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Stanislav Křeček poslanec za ČSSD

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Visegrad hosted meeting of V4 ombudspersons

22.října » Ombudsman
Representatives of ombudsman institutions of the V4 countries met at the invitation of the Hungarian Ombudsman in the city that gave its name to this group of Central European countries. At the two-day meeting, they presented how they deal with sele…

'I always wanted a girl': scandal of Czech Roma forcibly sterilised

8.března » The Guardian
Czech MPs to debate compensation bill for women as state refuses to acknowledge ‘attempted genocide’ Elena Gorolová was 21 when she gave birth to her second son. “The doctor told me I would need to deliver via a C-section otherwise I would be riskin…

Czech organizations insist the lower house and Prime Minister reject the anti-Romani remarks of the ombudsman

17.února » Prague Monitor
The post Czech organizations insist the lower house and Prime Minister reject the anti-Romani remarks of the ombudsman appeared first on Prague Monitor / Czech News in English .

Czech defender of rights: "The Roma don't work and are not a minority"

13.září » Britské listy
"The Roma are not a minority," says Stanislav Křeček, who was recently appointed to the post of the Czech defender of rights, in an interview."You are a member of a minority only if you declare that you are of a different nationality, that you are n…

Million Moments group resumes protests: Prague March 1st

14.února » Prague Monitor
Prague Daily Monitor Along with spring comes Million Moments next protests, scheduled for March 1st in Prague. The planned gathering place is Hradčanská, from which the movement will take a scenic walk to Staroměstské náměstí and begin the official …
Vít Alexander Schorm - Český právník
Petr Pavel - Prezident České republiky
Ivana Řápková - Politik za ODS
Radim Bureš - Bezpečnostní odbor prezidenta republiky
Miloš Janeček - Český lékař a politik
Jan Babor - poslanec za ČSSD
Rudolf Chlad - politik za TOP09
Marie Nedvědová - politik za KSČM
Rom Kostřica - politik za TOP09
Vlasta Bohdalová - poslankyně za ČSSD
Václav Klučka - poslanec za ČSSD
Miroslav Nenutil - politik - ČSSD
Adam Rykala - poslanec za ČSSD
Ladislav Skopal - politik za ČSSD
Miroslav Váňa - politik za ČSSD
MiroslavaStrnadlová - politik za ČSSD
Josef Novotný st. - politik za VV
Ivan Ohlídal - politik za ČSSD
Jiří Lajtoch - politik - ČSSD

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