The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

R&B duo Majid Jordan celebrates connection at the 9:30 Club

The Canadian vocalist-producer duo first gained critical and commercial success collaborating with Drake

Review by
Majid Al Maskati of Majid Jordan; the Canadian duo performed Sunday night at 9:30 Club in Washington. (Shedrick Pelt for The Washington Post)
3 min

Vocalist Majid Al Maskati, one half of Toronto-bred R&B duo Majid Jordan, encouraged the crowd to cheer on producer Jordan Ullman as he switched instruments throughout Sunday night’s show at 9:30 Club.

It was affirming to see the pair display the mutual respect and genuine affection they have for each other, forged through more than a decade of friendship and musical partnership. “I hope that you can find people in your life, like Majid for me — he’s inspired me, he’s given me love,” Ullman said.