Carnegie Mellon, UC San Diego top US grant winners for AI research

14 May 2024 | News

Science|Business ranks recipients of National Science Foundation grants in AI - and finds an Italian at MIT is the biggest winner

Photo credits:  Auburn University / Flickr

The US has been leading global development of artificial intelligence – but which universities are biggest in the sciences underlying the field? A Science|Business analysis of grants by the US National Science Foundation ranks Carnegie Mellon, UC San Diego, University of Illinois’ Urbana-Champagne campus, and MIT as its top four AI-related science grant recipients since 2010.

Over the past 14 years, Pittsburgh-based Carnegie Mellon University has been awarded $225 million (€209 million) in NSF grants for AI-related research – more than any other American university. Close behind is the University of California San Diego with $219 million, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champagne at $196 million, and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology with $183 million.

Taken together, those four…