Is AI to blame for humanity's failure to contact aliens?

Is AI to blame for humanity's failure to contact aliens?
NEW DELHI: A groundbreaking theory suggests that the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its eventual evolution into Artificial Superintelligence (ASI) may be a significant barrier preventing civilizations from becoming space-faring entities. This concept, elaborated by Michael Garrett, the Sir Bernard Lovell chair of Astrophysics and director of the Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics at the University of Manchester, posits that ASI represents a "great filter" — a developmental threshold that is extraordinarily difficult to cross, potentially explaining why we have yet to discover extraterrestrial civilizations.
As per a report in, the theory, which is a focal point of a recent study published in Acta Astronautica, suggests that the emergence of ASI could intersect crucially with a civilization's attempt to transition from being a single-planet species to a multiplanetary one.According to Garrett, "The challenge with AI, and specifically ASI, lies in its autonomous, self-amplifying and improving nature. It possesses the potential to enhance its own capabilities at a speed that outpaces our own evolutionary timelines without AI."
This rapid advancement could lead to scenarios where AI systems, growing beyond human control, could undertake actions leading to catastrophic outcomes. Garrett highlights a chilling possibility: "If nations increasingly rely on and cede power to autonomous AI systems that compete against each other, military capabilities could be used to kill and destroy on an unprecedented scale."
The integration of autonomous AI in military defense systems is particularly concerning, raising the prospect of AI systems making decisions beyond ethical and legal boundaries. The dire implications of this are not limited to the battlefield; they could threaten the very survival of the civilizations that created them.
This research serves as a stark wake-up call for the global community to establish robust regulatory frameworks to guide the development of AI, especially in military applications. The goal is to ensure that AI evolution aligns with the long-term survival of our species and that the path to becoming a multiplanetary society is pursued more vigorously, the report said.
As the world stands at this critical juncture, the actions we take now could determine whether we become a thriving interstellar civilization or fall victim to the creations of our own intelligence. This new perspective on AI and its implications for SETI adds a profound dimension to the ongoing discourse on our technological future and our place among the stars.
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