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Mises Institute


The Mises Institute is the world's leading supporter of the ideas of liberty and the Austrian School of economics.






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Privatize Driver’s Licenses

People often stubbornly hold to false beliefs, one of them being that government regulation of driving prevents chaos. However, the opposite seems to be true: government involvement in anything, including driving a car, creates the chaos we claim we want to avoid.

The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People

The only answer lies in eviscerating their budgets, abolishing their enabling legislation, and encouraging aggressive lawfare against the regime in retribution for these agencies' many crimes.

Javier Milei vs. the Status Quo

Unsurprisingly, Javier Milei’s free-market and antistate initiatives face opposition in Argentina. Whether he is successful depends on his being able to politically outlast his collectivist opposition.

Does Libertarianism Reject Communities? Libertarianism Actually Strengthens Them

A common knock on libertarianism is that it is so individualistic that it rejects the concept of community. (Think of the political cartoon in which the libertarian lifeguard let people drown.) In truth, strong communities also need free individuals.

Cowardice, Not Courage, Led House Republicans to Side with the Democrats

The New York Times recently characterized House Republicans that voted to extend government domestic spying and continue to fund wars in the Middle East and Ukraine as “the adults in the room.” This is ironic, as real adults would not spend the country into oblivion.

Conservatives Are Wrong on Economics. Here’s How to Fix the Problem.

While conservatives and followers of Austrian economics often have much in common, many conservatives are against free trade and free exchange. Austrians need to carefully explain why those beliefs are harmful.

Why the West Is Giving Up on Individual Rights

Individual rights originated in Western thinking. Today, it is the West that produces the ruling class that disdains individual rights and replaces them with collectivism.

The UK Is Reverting to Railway Socialism

Great Britain are shifting back toward railway nationalization. Of course, the vaunted railway privatization of the 1990s wasn’t real privatization at all.

Is Libertarianism Just Another Form of Critical Theory?

Libertarianism is criticized on all sides, but a new criticism has emerged that claims libertarianism is little more than another form of critical theory. Like the other complaints, this one is based on fallacious thinking.

We Need to Do with the State What We Have Done to Slavery

While chattel slavery exists in some parts of the world, it mostly has been abolished. Perhaps we should do the same thing to the state.

Wokism, Marxism and the Failures of Academic “Liberalism”

The academic world is supposed to serve as a beacon of enlightenment. Instead, as Wanjiru Njoya demonstrates, it promotes a failed liberalism.

Anarchy, State and Utopia: Robustly against Redistributive Taxation for 50 Years

Robert Nozick’s Anarchy, State and Utopia turns fifty this year, and this libertarian classic has stood the test of time.

Can There Be Justice Outside of the State? Yes

People have come to believe that only the state is morally qualified to create and maintain a system of justice. However, given that the state itself acts unjustly, perhaps it is time to look outside of the state.

How State-Sponsored Universities Distort Campus Activism

Connor O'Keeffe joins Bob to discuss the recent antisemitism bill and why we should be defunding universities.

State Coercion and the Injustice of Apartheid

In publicly opposing Apartheid, William H. Hutt saw how legal segregation deprived black South Africans from pursuing legitimate economic goals. To Hutt, Apartheid deprived people of equality of economic opportunity, which kept them in poverty.
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