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Digital Photography School


Discover how to use your digital camera with our Digital Photography Tips. We are a community of photographers of all experience levels who come together to learn, share and grow in our understanding of photography.




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How to Drag the Shutter for Creative Portrait Photography

The post How to Drag the Shutter for Creative Portrait Photography appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by John McIntire . Once you’ve spent a while doing portrait photography, you may find yourself in a creative rut. You’ll want to keep shooting, but you’ll struggle to come up with new ideas to take your portraits to the next level. That’s when it can be a good idea to …

How to Use the Sunny 16 Rule in Photography (A Simple Guide)

The post How to Use the Sunny 16 Rule in Photography (A Simple Guide) appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Adam Welch . In life, we are sometimes met with certain inalienable truths: water will always flow downhill, there will always be an unhappy baby on your flight, and the milkshake machine at your favorite fast-food restaurant will always be broken when you need i…

dPS Bi-Weekly Photo Challenge – Night Architecture

The post dPS Bi-Weekly Photo Challenge – Night Architecture appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Sime . Night Architecture! Architecture at night… after the sun’s gone, before the sun’s up? I’ve run off a few pointers for you below the image, they’re going to help with the architecture side of things and then, just do it at night – It doesn’t need to be in a city, fin…

PortraitPro 24 Review: Retouch Your Photos in Seconds (With the Power of AI)

The post PortraitPro 24 Review: Retouch Your Photos in Seconds (With the Power of AI) appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Jaymes Dempsey . If you take portrait photos, and you want your images to have the kind of polished, refined look worthy of a professional portfolio, then retouching is an art that you must learn. This is true whether you’re an expert or beginner,…

How to Use Old Film Lenses With New Digital Cameras (A Guide)

The post How to Use Old Film Lenses With New Digital Cameras (A Guide) appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Adam Welch . Do you want a sharp, well-built lens? Of course you do! Everyone does. As many photographers already know, the lens makes a huge difference to your photos (even more than the camera, in fact!). But if you’re like me, browsing through the latest high…

Photography Aspect Ratio: What Is It and Why Does It Matter?

The post Photography Aspect Ratio: What Is It and Why Does It Matter? appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Andrew S. Gibson . This article was updated in May 2024 with contributions from Andrew S Gibson, Tim Gilbreath, Jeff Guyer, and Jaymes Dempsey. What are aspect ratios in photography? How does an aspect ratio affect your images? And how can you change the aspect r…

How to Reduce Camera Shake (14 Powerful Techniques)

The post How to Reduce Camera Shake (14 Powerful Techniques) appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Natalie Norton . We’ve all been there: you line up your camera, focus meticulously, and then…blur. What happened? More often than not, the problem is camera shake – those pesky vibrations that ruin your images without warning. The good news, however, is that camera shake …

5 Portrait Photography Rules You Should Probably Ignore

The post 5 Portrait Photography Rules You Should Probably Ignore appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by John McIntire . Think back to the time when you first got interested in portrait photography (or photography more generally). From the moment you pick up a camera, you are bombarded with a constant onslaught of dos and don’ts. “You have to do this.” “You can’t do that…

How to Create Landscape Photos That Tell Stories

The post How to Create Landscape Photos That Tell Stories appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Anne McKinnell . When we consider photographs that tell stories, we immediately think of images that show people, often in a documentary or photojournalistic style. After all, people make for interesting stories, and telling stories through still photos of people can result …

5 Ways Patience Makes You a Better Photographer

The post 5 Ways Patience Makes You a Better Photographer appeared first on Digital Photography School . It was authored by Andrew S. Gibson . On photography websites, you can generally find lots of articles on gear and photographic techniques, but far fewer articles on the mindset of the successful photographer. I’ve always believed that the key to understanding why people are successful lies in …
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