
in: Behavior, Character, Podcast

Podcast #991: Embracing the Strive State

We often think happiness will be found in the completion of a goal. We often think happiness will be found in ease and comfort. My guest says real joy is found in the journey rather than the destination, and that if difficulty and discomfort are part of that journey, that’s all the better.

Dr. Adam Fraser is a peak performance researcher and the author of Strive: Embracing the Gift of Struggle. Today on the show, we talk about what Adam calls the “strive state,” where we have to grow and be courageous to tackle a meaningful challenge, and why this state is the source of the greatest fulfillment in life. We discuss why we often resist embracing the strive state and what happens when we don’t have to struggle in life. We also talk about what successful strivers do differently.

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Book cover of "Strive" by Dr. Adam Fraser, featuring bold, 3D text on a red background with subtitle "Embracing the Gift of Struggle.

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