RAVE to the Capitol Hill Station 25 firefighter who smiled and waved to me from a firetruck as they drove past. It made my day! (Call me sometime?)

RANT to the ticketing of wrong-way parkers on neighborhood streets. What is the harm? Please do something useful and ticket cars that are parked right up to the corners obstructing the vision of people entering traffic, as well as emergency vehicle access. It is particularly egregious on arterials like Phinney Avenue North and Greenwood Avenue North where there are bike lanes. People exiting neighborhood streets are obliged to creep out into the bike lane to see. Furthermore, no one can see through your big SUV with tinted windows or any other car for that matter. It’s truly dangerous for everyone. 

RAVE to the incomparable Seattle Symphony for their performance of music composed for the 1927 silent film “Metropolis,” which accompanied a screening of the film at Benaroya Hall.