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Amy Appelhans Gubser of Pacifica became the first person in history to swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Farallones on Saturday, May 11, 2024. It took Gubser 17 hours to cover the 29.7-mile distance, reputed to be the toughest marathon swim in the world. (Photo by Sarah Roberts)
Amy Appelhans Gubser of Pacifica became the first person in history to swim from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Farallones on Saturday, May 11, 2024. It took Gubser 17 hours to cover the 29.7-mile distance, reputed to be the toughest marathon swim in the world. (Photo by Sarah Roberts)

“When I swim, it’s the most freeing time for my mind, because it just can slow down. I lose track of time.”

— Amy Appelhans Gubser, 55, of Pacifica, after becoming the first person in history to complete a historic 17-hour, nearly 30-mile swim through treacherous, frigid, shark-infested Pacific waters from the Golden Gate Bridge to the Farallon Islands last weekend.