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Police arrest 80 at Israel-Hamas war protest at UC Santa Cruz, school says

A spokesperson for the University of California, Santa Cruz, says many people have been arrested at a pro-Palestinian demonstration that has been blocking the main campus entrance for days. Police in riot gear surrounded protesters Friday morning to remove an encampment and barricades. TV news station video shows pushing and shoving between the crowd and officers detaining some people. University…

Police arrest 8 girls in Bay Area middle school attack

The Sinaloa Middle School students, who are between 12 and 14 years old, were booked into juvenile hall on suspicion of conspiracy to commit a crime and felony assault.

Raising a kid in California? They may have a college savings account you don’t know about.

The state is directly investing money for low-income students and all newborns to attend college. After two years, the program is still not widely known by the students who need the most financial assistance.

5 attempted murder counts dropped against California high school student, who pleads to intimidation

The Ontario Christian High student who was accused of plotting to shoot up the school and murder classmates pleaded no contest to one count of witness intimidation. He was released from custody pending sentencing.

The details behind California teachers’ compromise with Gov. Newsom over education funding

Educators were outraged at Newsom's previously proposed plan, calling the cuts to school funding “unconstitutional” and warning it could threaten California’s school funding system and leave the door open for “future manipulation” of the Prop 98 guarantee.

Coroner: Son of former YouTube executive died from accidental drug overdose in UC Berkeley dorm

The Coroner's Investigator Report lists the cause of death as "acute combined drug toxicity" and notes it was an "accidental manner."

Prompted by Key Bridge collapse, Johns Hopkins begins ‘urgent assessment’ of US bridges

Their research comes as the National Transportation Safety Board has encouraged the nation’s bridge owners to act swiftly in protecting their assets from a similar fate.
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