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Fox News


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7 things Google just announced that are worth keeping a close eye on

Tech wizard Kurt "CyberGuy" Knutsson runs down the seven most interesting takeaways from Google's I/O 2024 conference. Google's AI figured prominently in the conference.

China’s drone carrier could 'play a role' in future conflicts with Taiwan: Brett Velicovich

Drone expert Brett Velicovich reacts to China’s latest military advancement and its potential impact on the U.S. during an appearance on ‘Fox & Friends Weekend.’

Boston Dynamics' creepy robotic canine dances in sparkly blue costume

Robotic dogs performed a dance routine and kissed, igniting discussion about the potential applications of this technology at entertainment venues like theme parks.

Artificial intelligence gives us reasons to be both 'excited and worried': Ethan Mollick

UPenn Wharton School Associate Professor Ethan Mollick weighs in on the Biden White House's new guidelines for artificial intelligence in the workplace on 'Fox News Live.'

Massive Dell data breach hits 49 million users; what this means for your privacy and security

A cyberattack on computer manufacturer Dell stole information from an estimated 49 million customers. Leaked information includes names and addresses.

Fox News AI Newsletter: How artificial intelligence is reshaping modern warfare

Stay up to date on the latest AI technology advancements and learn about the challenges and opportunities AI presents now and for the future.

Aerodynamic electric hypercar is packing some serious horsepower

A nod to MG's storied history, the EXE181 concept car could become the world's most aerodynamic vehicle, leading the charge in energy-wise automotive design.

Washington state trooper fatally shoots a man during a freeway altercation, police say

WA law enforcement officials said a man with a hammer, who attacked state Department of Transportation workers, was fatally shot by a state trooper along Interstate 5 north of Seattle.

Once-in-a-generation wind event caused deaths, extensive damage across Houston, meteorologist says

Meteorologists said the damage caused by windstorms, which killed 4 and could leave some residents of Houston without power for weeks, was comparable to that 'caused by a hurricane.'

Army presents Purple Heart to Minnesota veteran 73 years after he was wounded in Korean War

Earl Meyer, a 96-year-old Korean War veteran who was wounded in combat, received his Purple Heart medal after 73 years and a 'long fight with the U.S. Army.'

A college puts the 'cat' into 'education' by giving Max an honorary 'doctor of litter-ature' degree

Vermont State University’s Castleton campus is honoring its beloved community member Max the cat, bestowing the feline with an honorary 'doctor of litter-ature' degree.

UN experts say South Sudan is close to securing a $13 billion oil-backed loan from a UAE company

South Sudan is close to securing a loan of $13 billion from United Arab Emirates company Hamad Bin Khalifa Department of Projects, according to United Nations experts.

An unusual autumn freeze grips parts of South America, giving Chile its coldest May in 74 years

Chileans are experiencing their coldest autumn in over 70 years, with temperatures dipping near freezing in Santiago, as a sudden cold front from Antartica has gripped parts of South America.
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