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10 things you may not know about ‘super sneaky’ cicadas

The massive cicada invasion has already made national headlines this year. Here are some fun facts you may not know.

‘Ugly’ fossil places extinct saber tooth cat in Texas

A nondescript mass of bone and teeth helped expand the geographic footprint of a large cat that lived tens of thousands of years ago.

More precise moon maps could benefit future missions

As space agencies gear up for lunar missions, researchers have made enhancements that make maps of the surface of the moon more streamlined and precise.

Opioid receptors play surprising role in gut development

A study challenges conventional understanding of opioid receptors, shedding light on their importance beyond pain management and addiction.

AI headphones let users listen to 1 voice in a crowd

"With our devices you can now hear a single speaker clearly even if you are in a noisy environment with lots of other people talking."

Disrupted sleep increases risk for suicide and homicide

"Disrupted sleep may acutely impair rational thought, which can drive impulsive behaviors in vulnerable individuals."

Heart failure cause may differ in women and men

A new study finds striking differences at the cellular level between male and female mice with a common type of heart failure.

Artificial intelligence decodes whale ‘alphabet’

On this podcast episode, a scientist explains how artificial intelligence is helping scientists decipher whale sounds.

Weird system shows stars can die quietly

New research helps explain a mysterious phenomenon, whereby stars suddenly vanish from the night sky. […]

How do you know when it’s time to say goodbye to your dog?

A new survey sheds light on the difficult decisions dog owners have to make when it's time to say goodbye to their dogs.
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