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Illegal ecstasy takes step toward becoming legal drug for PTSD

The new drug is a version of MDMA, also known as ecstasy, made by Lykos Therapeutics Inc., an unusual drugmaker started by a nonprofit that has for decades advocated to bring psychedelic therapy to the masses.

Missed care, fewer patients: Rural families and clinics feel Medicaid cuts

Rural children and families are having to skip vital health treatments and even ending up in the emergency room, while already struggling rural clinics are losing more patients, as states cull their Medicaid rolls.

AP analysis: US set a record for heat-related deaths in 2023

The death certificates of more than 2,300 people who died in the United States last summer mention the effects of excessive heat, the highest number in 45 years of records, according to an Associated Press analysis of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention data. With May already breaking heat records, 2024 could be even deadlier.

Florida allows doctors to perform C-sections outside of hospitals

Private equity-owned physicians group that says the change will lower costs and give pregnant women the homier birthing atmosphere that many desire.

As California announces seizure of more than 5 million fentanyl pills since January, experts say more needs to be done

As the state government celebrates consistent confiscations of the synthetic opioid, experts say that the seizures will not affect the illicit drug market significantly.

Man who firebombed California Planned Parenthood clinic gets 6 years in prison

Tibet Ergul also admitted to planning, but not carrying out, attacks at an electrical substation in Orange and at Dodger Stadium.

FDA urged to relax decades-old tissue donation restrictions for gay and bisexual men

Restrictions on men who have had sex with another man have been reduced for donations of organs and blood. But restrictions on donated tissue remain in place.
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