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Mises Institute


The Mises Institute is the world's leading supporter of the ideas of liberty and the Austrian School of economics.






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U.S. Imperialism through the Lens of Mises’s Nation, State, and Economy

The Americans who went off to fight in World War I—and the politicians who sent them there—were no less imperialistic than the Germans were.

Riding the Economic Rollercoaster: The Austrian Business Cycle Theory

As the US economy falters and people continue to fall behind, the Austrian business cycle theory provides the best explanation for what is happening, even if the elites don't want to hear it.

Doctor Copper


Economics as a Universal Science

The rage among academic elites and multiculturalists is the insistence that one cannot apply Western economic analysis to different cultures. However, Ludwig von Mises insisted that economics is a universal science.

The Money Supply Is Growing Again and the Fed Wants It that Way

Month-to-month money-supply growth turned positive in March, and money growth hit a two-year high. The Fed clearly has no appetite for more monetary "tightening."

Blowback in the African Coup Belt

The decades of American and European intervention in Africa are coming to an end, and things are even worse for American interests there. Perhaps overthrowing governments and trying to dictate political outcomes wasn’t a good idea.

Zwolinski Tries to Take Rothbard to the Mat

In a recent symposium on Murray Rothbard's For a New Liberty, philosopher Matt Zwolinski takes issue with Rothbard on Murray’s views of freedom and property rights.
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