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Book Review: ‘When Women Ran Fifth Avenue,’ by Julie Satow

In “When Women Ran Fifth Avenue,” Julie Satow celebrates the savvy leaders who made Bonwit, Bendel’s and Lord & Taylor into retail meccas of their moment.

N.H.L.’s Move to Salt Lake City Is Latest Sports Downsizing

Professional leagues are embracing smaller markets in their search for newer stadiums and arenas and the potential for more devoted fan bases.

They Spent Their Life Savings on Life Coaching

Some people who wanted to improve their lives and careers through coaching found themselves trapped in what they described as a pyramid scheme.

The Floating Traffic Jam That Freaked Us All Out

The coronavirus pandemic schooled the world in the essential role of global supply chains. Have we learned anything from it?

How a Retirement Withdrawal Can Lead to a Perjury Conviction

A prominent lawyer was recently sentenced to home confinement for falsely claiming hardship to withdraw funds. How desperate must you be to take money out?

Sam Butcher, Who Gave the World Precious Moments, Dies at 85

His childlike porcelain characters thrilled and inspired generations of collectors. They also made him a millionaire.

Google Rolls Back A.I. Search Feature After Flubs and Flaws

Google appears to have turned off its new A.I. Overviews for a number of searches as it works to minimize errors.

The New ChatGPT Offers a Lesson in AI Hype

OpenAI released GPT-4o, its latest chatbot technology, in a partly finished state. It has much to prove.

Companies Counter Pushback on Price Increases With Promotions

“The consumer was a fat pig — now there’s nothing left, and they need to feed the pig again,” one banker told DealBook.

Notre-Dame Rises Again ... in Lego

With rose windows, bell towers and a central spire, this model of the famed Paris cathedral is all the hype among adult fans of Lego, known as AFOLs.

Google’s A.I. Search Leaves Publishers Scrambling

Since Google overhauled its search engine, publishers have tried to assess the danger to their brittle business models while calling for government intervention.

Borussia Dortmund Deal with Weapons Maker Rheinmetall Stirs Debate in Germany

For some fans of Borussia Dortmund, an advertising deal with Rheinmetall, a major arms manufacturer, has overshadowed the run-up to the Champions League final on Saturday.

Ticketmaster Confirms Data Breach

The hacking group ShinyHunters has claimed responsibility for stealing the user information of more than 500 million Ticketmaster customers.
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