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The New York Times


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FDA Reviews MDMA Therapy for PTSD, Citing Health Risks and Study Flaws

The agency’s staff analysis suggests that approval of the illegal drug known as Ecstasy for treatment of PTSD is far from certain, with advisers meeting next week to consider the proposed therapy.

Alzheimer’s Takes a Financial Toll Long Before Diagnosis, Study Finds

New research shows that people who develop dementia often begin falling behind on bills years earlier.

Bird Flu Has Infected a Third U.S. Farmworker

The worker had respiratory symptoms, unlike the first two. But the risk to the public remains low, federal health officials said.

PTSD Has Surged Among College Students

The prevalence of post-traumatic stress disorder among college students rose to 7.5 percent in 2022, more than double the rate five years earlier, researchers found.

The Textbooks Were Wrong About That Map of the Tongue’s Taste Buds

The perception of taste is remarkably complex, not only on the tongue but in organs throughout the body.

Ancient Skull With Brain Cancer Preserves Clues to Egyptian Medicine

Cuts in the cranium, which is more than 4,000 years old, hint that people in the ancient civilization attempted to treat a scourge that persists today.

Health Officials Tried to Evade Public Records Laws, Lawmakers Say

N.I.H. officials suggested federal record keepers helped them hide emails. If so, “that’s really damaging to trust in all of government,” one expert said.

Sue Johnson, Psychologist Who Took a Scientific View of Love, Dies at 76

She believed the bond between adults was as sustaining as that between parent and child, and developed a therapy to strengthen and repair broken relationships.

Senators See Possible Conflicts of Interest in Health Care Pricing Tools

A data analytics firm that helps insurers collect big fees while leaving some patients with unpaid bills has been summoned to explain its business model.

Inside the Factory Supplying Half of Africa’s Syringes

In Kenya, Revital Healthcare is manufacturing medical products that Africa needs to take charge of routine health care and respond to outbreaks.

An Editor Whose Business Is Fitness

Molly Mirhashem, an editor on the Well desk, wants to motivate readers of all ages and experience levels.

When ‘Prior Authorization’ Becomes a Medical Roadblock

Medicare Advantage plans say it reduces waste and inappropriate care. Critics say it often restricts coverage unnecessarily.

Beef Tissue from Sick Cow Tests Positive for Bird Flu Virus

Federal officials said that muscle from a sick dairy cow had tested positive for the virus, but reiterated that the commercial meat supply was safe.

Countries Fail to Agree on Treaty to Prepare the World for the Next Pandemic

Negotiators plan to ask for more time. Among the sticking points are equitable access to vaccines and financing to set up surveillance systems.
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