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Photofocus is not a blog per se. Instead, it is an online magazine about photography. We publish at least once and sometimes several times each day, with the intent of informing, entertaining and educating people who are interested in photography.




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Question of the Week: Which part/s of your workflow are you having trouble with?

It’s time to make your voice heard! Each week, we ask a question of our readers so we know what sort of content to produce more of. Your input helps us make Photofocus better. Whatever your chosen genre, an efficient workflow is crucial to achieving the results that you or your clients want. It serves […]

Step up your game: Get Adobe After Effects or Premiere Pro Certified!

Ready to elevate your career and stand out in the competitive world of video creation? Unlock your potential and become an Adobe Certified Professional today! In this video, Rich Harrington, an experienced professional and author of Adobe certification exams, explains why becoming an Adobe Certified Professional can give you a significant edge in the job […]

10 alternatives to a white background

When it comes to still life and even portrait photography, the temptation to use a plain white (or even plain black) background is there. It is simple, effective and uncluttered. But what about looking at some alternatives? Below I look at 10 alternatives to a white background. Doors Doors aren’t just for keeping you out […]

SlickPic Photography Challenge: Symmetry

Another week, another fun photography challenge! Are you ready to put your photography skills to the test and refill your creative juices? For the 22nd week of their 52-week Photo Challenge, the folks of SlickPic want us to look around for eye-catching Symmetry. In this challenge, the task is to create compositions that demonstrate the pleasing […]

Milky Way noise reduction: Foreground

This is the follow-up to the Milky Way Stars noise reduction: Stars article from a couple days ago. Foreground noise reduction is a different beast and needs to be tamed in a different way. Here’s how I take care of it. Capture First is the gathering of the images. In this case, a higher ISO […]

Create your own stunning backdrops for food photography

Using the right backdrop is a crucial part of your food photography setup. Fortunately, there are now many options readily available from most photography supply stores. But if you want to add a personal touch or customize it to your specific needs, you always have the option to make your own backdrops. Today’s tips will […]

Creative boost: Dive deep into Luminar Neo’s Mood Tool

In the digital age, where the visual language speaks volumes, photography emerges not just as a form of documentation, but as a compelling means of storytelling. The essence of a photograph lies in its ability to evoke emotions, narrate stories and capture moments in time with authenticity and depth. Among the myriad of tools available […]

Milky Way noise reduction: Stars

Many times it is better to increase the ISO to make sure you have information in the shadow areas of your Milky Way foreground blend images. I use two techniques to tame the noise in my images. One for the sky and another for the foreground. Milky Way capture Let’s start with the capture of […]

Exposure tactics: Reflective metering

Exposure can be really confusing. It’s particularly so with modern digital cameras. Why? The type of light meters built into cameras is a big reason. Those meters are reflective meters. They measure the amount of light bouncing off the subject. A reflective meter’s exposure makes whatever it sees 12.5% gray. Always. Here’s an easy experiment […]

Quick tip: Don’t forget about Radiant Photo

New apps, new social media platform updates, new gear. There’s always something new coming at photographers. It’s so easy to be caught up in all that’s new, that sometimes we forget about the perfectly good tools we already have. That was the case for me recently, until I started doing a task that most of […]

Using Sky Replacement in Luminar Neo

Is your landscape photo looking a bit bland, thanks to a boring sky? Maybe you missed the Golden Hour or just weren’t happy with the weather on picture day? Well, fear not! Today, I’m diving into the amazing sky replacement tools in Luminar Neo. With just a few clicks, you can transform your photos with […]

A beginner’s guide to After Effects, part one: Getting started

After Effects is Adobe’s robust program for creating visual effects and motion graphics. The first in a series aimed at helping beginners learn the program, this article will review key parts of the After Effects interface and show you how to begin a project, open a composition and create layers in a timeline. Open the […]

Grab a new camera for less with these National Photography Month Specials!

In case you missed it, National Photography Month is coming to a close soon. So if you haven’t scored some B&H deals from the festivities yet, now is a great time to take advantage of them! There’s a big selection of photography gear, accessories, and items that are up for grabs for less to help […]

Skylum announces a new photo editing app for professional portrait photographers

Skylum recently announced Project “Barcelona,” a new desktop application specifically for professional portrait retouching. Recognizing the increasing demand for time-saving tools in portrait photography that would enable professional and semi-professional photographers to focus on creative growth and client engagement, Skylum is collaborating with renowned portrait photographer Julia Trotti to d…

Light painting daisies with the Hobolite Iris

I simply adore light painting with still life. It gives it such a fabulous fine art look, almost painterly. This time I created a fine art still life with some dainty daisies and the Hobolite Iris, instead of my usual low-lumen torch. I used my Sony A7RV camera with Tamron 28-75mm lens. Settings used: f/10, […]
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