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The Seattle Times




Life & Style → Health


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No one at the French Open loves it when matches go past 3 a.m. And no one can agree on a solution

Catching the right amount of sleep is no easy task in Grand Slam tennis these days — for the athletes or those watching them compete.

FSA vs. HSA: What to know about the accounts that pay medical costs

Flexible spending accounts and health savings accounts both have tax benefits, but both may also have drawbacks, two reports found.

Weight-loss drugs are coming to bite a sugar industry in denial

Multiple analyst surveys have showed that less-hungry customers are spending fewer dollars at grocery stores and restaurants.

Cancer patients often do better with less intensive treatment, new research finds

Scaling back treatment for some cancers can make life easier for patients without hurting the outcomes.

Being a patient is getting harder in a strained and complex US health care system

Health care delivery experts say patients in the U.S. need more help dealing with a system that is growing increasingly complex.

A growing community of breast milk donors in Uganda gives mothers hope

A community of breast milk donors has formed in Uganda after women struggled with finding ways to keep their babies with health issues alive.

WHO member countries approve steps to bolster health regulations to better brace for pandemics

The World Health Organization says member countries approved new steps to boost global preparedness for pandemics like COVID-19 and mpox and better respond to dangerous outbreaks.

Skye Blakely ‘shut down’ after the 2021 Olympic trials. A mental coach helped bring her back

Gymnast Skye Blakely says working on her mental health has helped put her in the mix for the 2024 Olympics.

Is intermittent fasting better than counting calories? Maybe not, but you might stick with it

Intermittent fasting, where people eat what they want, but only during certain daily windows of time, has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years.

Public Health warns of possible measles exposure at Sea-Tac Airport

“Measles is highly contagious and if you don’t have immunity, you can get it just by being in a room where a person with measles has been," an official said.

Moderna’s RSV shot wins FDA approval for use in older adults

The RSV shot — the first ever drug using mRNA technology approved for a disease other than COVID — gives it another much-needed revenue stream.

Iowa attorney general will resume emergency contraception funding for rape victims

The Iowa attorney general’s office will resume emergency contraception funding for victims of sexual assault but end the rare practice of reimbursing victims for abortions.

FDA warns parents to avoid infant formula distributed by Texas company due to contamination

U.S. health officials are warning parents to avoid a brand of powdered infant formula sold by a Texas dairy producer that may contain a dangerous bacteria.

Scientists are testing mRNA vaccines to protect cows and people against bird flu

The bird flu outbreak in U.S. dairy cows is prompting development of new, next-generation mRNA vaccines — akin to the shots deployed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Woman is back on dialysis after doctors remove transplanted pig kidney

Doctors say a woman who received a pig kidney transplant is back on dialysis after surgeons removed the gradually failing organ.
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