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The Times of India


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Adani overtakes Ambani to become richest Asian

Gautam Adani surpasses Mukesh Ambani as Asia's richest person according to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, with Adani Group's valuation rising after a 14% share increase on May 31st.

Isha Ambani's effortless elegance at Anant-Radhika's cruise party

The Ambani family hosted a luxurious pre-wedding party on a cruise from Italy to France for Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant. The event showcased opulence and joy with stylish attendees and the Ambani baroness's elegant fashion choices.

Love vs. Attraction: Key differences

Understanding the distinctions between love and attraction can help individuals navigate their relationships more effectively, fostering deeper connections and greater fulfillment in the long run....

8 things parents should thank their kids for

It’s easy to overlook the numerous ways children enrich their parents' lives. Kids offer gifts that are both priceless and transformative. So, take a moment to appreciate and thank your children for these incredible contributions to your life.

TOI health news morning briefing

A recent study suggests that omega-3-rich fish oil supplements can reduce aggression, including both overt and subtle forms of hostility. Establishing evening habits can significantly enhance your ability to wake up early and feel refreshed. Start by setting a consistent bedtime to regulate your internal clock. Learn about other health related news here.

Bhagavad Gita shlokas that help control anger

Anger, an emotion that has forever led to conflict and ruin, can get uncontrollable at times. Anger can make people mad, can harm families, harm countries, lead to destruction, and in the end, there is never a winner! And just like the endless problems that the Bhagavad Gita has solutions to, there are solutions and revelations about anger as well.

10 British classics everyone should read

Classic literature is like an escape room and a mirror into society as it was decades ago. And British Classics are truly words to behold. Here are 10 iconic British Classics that must be read at least once in a lifetime.

6 summer problems and their ayurvedic remedies

And Ayurveda offers some natural and holistic remedies to address these common summer ailments. As we reach the peak summers, here is a list of 6 common summer problems and ways to deal with them from the Ayurvedic point of view.

Vitamins and minerals a glass of milk contains

Milk contains essential nutrients like Vitamin D, Calcium, and Vitamin B12. But did you know the exact vitamins and minerals that a 250 ml glass of milk contains? Here is a list of all the vitamins and minerals that are contained in this super healthy daily food. Read further to understand what vitamins does milk contain.

This is the most alien looking place on Earth

Socotra, a remote archipelago in the Indian Ocean, boasts an alien-like landscape and unparalleled biodiversity. Its unique flora and fauna, including the iconic Dragon Blood Tree, are found nowhere else on Earth. Despite facing challenges like civil unrest, conservation efforts are crucial to safeguard this UNESCO World Heritage Site. Socotra serves as a testament to the wonders of evolution and…

8 fun indoor activities for kids during heatwave

Keeping kids entertained during a heatwave can be easy and enjoyable with these fun indoor activities. Not only do they provide a break from the heat, but they also offer opportunities for learning, creativity, and family bonding.

Things you need to create a terrace garden

While balcony and kitchen gardens have an easier growing process, with more space, comes more work. And so, before moving on to a terrace garden, here are some things that should be kept in mind.
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