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Hamáček resigns as leader of the ČSSD25.October » Prague Monitor On Monday October 25th, the Minister of the Interior Jan Hamáček has resigned from his position of party leader of the ČSSD. The social-democratic party has faced a steep decline in popularity ever since it has joined up forces with ANO to form a go… Czech PM set to lose power after weak showing in general election9.October » The Guardian Andrej Babiš unlikely to be able to form another coalition, signalling the end of post-communist era Andrej Babiš, the Czech Republic’s billionaire prime minister, is close to losing power after his party and its coalition partners lost significant … 3000 crowns for government workers3.September » Prague Monitor ČSSD Chairman, Minister of the Interior Jan Hamáček and ČSSD Vice-Chairwoman, Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Jana Maláčová have met with the leaders of government worker unions to reach a deal about a 3000 crown raise for all public sector wo… Asylum for Belarusian sprinter1.August » Prague Monitor The Czech government has publicly voiced its full support for the Belarusian sprinter Krystsina Tsimanouskaya, after a scandal surrounding her emerged on Sunday. The Czech Minister of Foreign Affairs Jakub Kulhánek (ČSSD), has announced that the ath… ID cards or passports cannot be requested until next Monday30.July » Prague Monitor From today to Monday August 2nd, citizens from the Czech Republic won’t be able to apply for a new ID card if they need it. Due to a European Union normative, starting next week all the ID cards and passports have to have biometric data to enhance t… Czech businessman arrested for alleged “violent crimes”14.July » Prague Monitor Jan Kočka has been arrested today. The raid organized by the police in conjunction with specialised crime units targeted the influential Prague businessman who was historically a member of the ČSSD political party in its prime. There were two other … Salisbury, Berlin, Vrbětice30.April » Přítomnost.cz Vladimír Handl Osteuropa The GRU has left a trail of violence across Europe. Revelations that it was behind the 2014 explosions in Vrbětice worsen relations not only between Prague and Moscow, but also pro and anti-Kremlin camps within the Czech Rep… The Minister of Foreign Affairs fired, more changes coming12.April » Prague Monitor Tomáš Petříček was fired from the position of the Minister of the Foreign Affairs after 2,5 years of work. The Minister of the Interior, Jan Hamáček, will take the position temporarily. President Miloš Zeman frequently criticized Petříček for his ne… Recepty proti strachu27.October » Deník Referendum Poptávka po bezpečí je aktuálně rozhodujícím motivem voleb. Pokud chtějí sociální demokraté opět vítězit, nechť se podívají na Vídeň. ČSSD neobhájila v senátu jediné křeslo10.October » Karlovarské listy Warning : Use of undefined constant title - assumed 'title' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /www/doc/www.karlovarskelisty.cz/www/wp-content/plugins/wp-thumbie/wp-thumbie.php on line 172 Warning : Use of undefined constant ad… Confiscated face masks imported by an influential Chinese representative in Czechia26.March » Aktuálně.cz Hundreds of thousands of masks imported by Zhou Lingjian ended up in the hands of a Czech reseller who tried to sell them to the government. To serve, not steal time: promises of efficient government offices21.February » Prague Monitor Prague Daily Monitor The Czech political parties are promising more efficient offices, mainly through digitalization. The proposed law for a faster and more effective state originally came from the Starostové a nezávislí party (STAN). Since then ANO… |
Petr Nečas
- Premiér ČR
Jaroslav Škárka
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Zbyněk Stanjura
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Karolína Peake
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Jiří Šlégr
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Radek John
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Jiří Paroubek
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Michal Babák
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František Bublan
- Český politik
Vít Bárta
- politik za VV
Petr Skokan
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Stanislav Huml
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Jiří Besser
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Marek Benda
- politik za ODS
Helena Langšádlová
- politik za TOP09
TOP 09
- Pravicová politická strana
Michal Hašek
- Poslanec za ČSSD, hejtman Jihomoravského kraje
Jiří Šulc
- politik za ODS
- Levicová politická strana
- Snaha zviditelnit se bez ideologického programu
Václav Klaus
- 2. prezident ČR
Richard Svoboda
- Politik za ODS
Pavel Svoboda
- politik za ODS
Alexandr Vondra
- Ministr obrany ČR a senátor
Leoš Heger
- Ministr zdravotnictví ČR
Milan Štěch
- Politik za ČSSD