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Martin Kuba Ministr průmyslu a obchodu ČR

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Czech voters elected new regional councils and five senators

22.September » Kurzy.cz
Voters in 13 Regions elected 685 regional councillors and in five of the 27 electoral districts they also elected a senator in the first round of the elections, which is a historical record. Despite demandingness of the preparation of the elections …

Ricky Martin makes rare comments about his 'artist' daughter Lucia

13.June » iVillage
Ricky Martin is father to twin sons, Matteo and Valentino. He also shares a son and daughter, Ren and Lucia, with ex Jwan Yosef.

Terraform fork OpenTofu is now ready for prime time

10.January » TechCrunch
OpenTofu, the open source Terraform fork, has hit general availability (GA) some four months after launch. The eternal struggle between open source and proprietary software was laid bare on numerous occasions last year, perhaps most notably when Has…

sid “DVA” | Czech Republic and Slovakian Skating

2.February » Skateboarding.net
Peep the newest video with the SID crew, DVA. Not strictly from Prague, but from the whole Czech Republic and Slovakian region.

Scientists develop energy saving technique paving way for a carbon neutral society

22.June » ScienceDaily
Researchers have discovered a method which will allow for faster communication systems and better energy saving electronics.

The early results are in on Sweden's 'herd immunity' strategy

21.May » CNN.com
Sweden has revealed that despite adopting more relaxed measures to control coronavirus, only 7.3% of people in Stockholm had developed the antibodies needed to fight the disease by late April.

High thermal conductivity of new material will create energy efficient devices

2.May » ScienceDaily
Researchers have successfully demonstrated the high thermal conductivity of a new material, paving the way for safer and more efficient electronic devices -- including mobile phones, radars and even electric cars.
Bohuslav Svoboda - Primátor hlavního města Prahy
Pavel Svoboda - politik za ODS
Zdeněk Hřib - Český politik a manažer
Vít Rakušan - Český politik a středoškolský učitel
Ladislav Jakl - Politický odbor prezidenta republiky
Jan Zahradil - Český politik
Martin Kocourek - politik ODS
Jiří Besser - Český politik
Helena Langšádlová - politik za TOP09
Alena Hanáková - politik za TOP09
Jiří Zimola - Politik za ČSSD, hejtman Jihočeského kraje

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