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ODS Politická strana

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ODS FeCrAl alloys endure liquid metal flow at 600 °C resembling a fusion blanket environment

26.November » ScienceDaily
Researchers explored protective coatings to resist corrosion in fusion reactors. They tested -Al2O3 oxide layers on ODS alloys in a high-temperature, flowing lithium-lead environment. Even bare ODS alloys formed a durable -LiAlO2 layer in situ, whic…

EU residents will have a new way to dispute content moderation decisions by Facebook, YouTube and TikTok

8.October » Engadget
European Union residents will have a new place to turn to settle disputes with Facebook, TikTok and YouTube. A new Appeals Centre, certified by Irish regulators , will soon begin accepting complaints about content moderation decisions. The concept i…

Study explores microglial response to chronic hyponatremia and rapid sodium correction

19.September » THE MEDICAL NEWS
Low serum sodium concentrations in blood are called hyponatremia, a prevalent clinical electrolyte disorder.

World ozone day 2024: Origin, significance, and path to recovery

16.September » The Times of India
The international day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer is observed on September 16, with India participating since 1995. The theme for World Ozone Day 2024 is “Montreal Protocol: Advancing Climate Actions.” This highlights the protocol's role…

Major milestone in cutting harmful gases that deplete ozone layer and worsen global warming

11.June » ScienceDaily
A new study has revealed significant progress in the drive to reduce levels in the atmosphere of chemicals that destroy Earth's ozone layer, confirming the success of historic regulations limiting their production.

Ukraine and Central Europe

3.June » Britské listy
My talk today will be about the war in Ukraine only indirectly. I am going to talk about the situation in two Central European countries to the west of Ukraine and about the deteriorating situation there which seems to directly influence the level o…

Ordinal Derangement Syndrome (ODS) Is a Real Phenomenon

As a neutral observer from Bitcoin Magazine, I address the misconceptions and dismissive attitudes towards Ordinals in the Bitcoin community, revealing the overlooked complexities and potential within what I term 'Ordinal Derangement Syndrome' (ODS).

Tunisia: President calls for creation of new office for development of the South

23.March » Zawya.com
In this context, the Head of State pointed out that the ODS, created under Article 71 of the Finance Act of 1984, had not achieved its objectives

Operational Data Stores (ODS) in Business Intelligence

22.February » C# Corner
This comprehensive article introduces operational data stores (ODS) and their significance in modern data-driven businesses.It covers fundamental principles, distinguishing ODS from other data storage solutions.

Operational Data Stores (ODS) in Business Intelligence

19.February » C# Corner
This comprehensive article introduces operational data stores (ODS) and their significance in modern data-driven businesses.It covers fundamental principles, distinguishing ODS from other data storage solutions.

Prehľad: Reformy, reformy, samé reformy!

12.February » Houpací Osel
Prehľad týždňa pre vás pripravili David Hrubý a Katarína Dovinová. Pondělí Ministr práce a sociálních věcí Marian Jurečka představil plány na reformu sociálních dávek, které mají nahradit čtyři existující dávky jednou. Nový systém, plánovaný od příš…
TOP 09 - Pravicová politická strana
Zbyněk Stanjura - Politik za ODS
Andrej Babiš - Český podnikatel a politik, předseda hnutí ANO
KSČM - Levicová politická strana
Donald Trump - Americký obchodní magnát
Petr Pavel - Prezident České republiky
Jana Černochová - politik za ODS
Jiří Zimola - Politik za ČSSD, hejtman Jihočeského kraje
Tomáš Chalupa - Ministr životního prostředí ČR
Jaroslav Škárka - Politik - nezařazení
Karolína Peake - Místopředsedkyně vlády
Věci veřejné - Politická strana
Jiří Šlégr - Politik
Radek John - Politik a novinář
ČSSD - Přední levicová politická strana
Jiří Paroubek - politik
Michal Babák - Politik za VV
František Bublan - Český politik
Vít Bárta - politik za VV
Petr Skokan - Politik za VV
Stanislav Huml - Poslanec - nezařazení
Korupce - Zneužití postavení nebo funkce v politice
Stanislav Polčák - Politik za TOP09
Česká vláda - Státní úřad
Jiří Besser - Český politik
Marek Benda - politik za ODS
Helena Langšádlová - politik za TOP09
Michal Hašek - Poslanec za ČSSD, hejtman Jihomoravského kraje

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