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Zbyněk Stanjura Politik za ODS

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Czechia Will Stop Compensating for High Energy Prices

19.August » Prague Monitor
Compensation provided by the state to citizens to alleviate the impact of high energy prices and the reimbursement given to companies due to price limitations will conclude by the year’s end. Zbyněk Stanjura, the Finance Minister from the ODS party,…

Parliament, Council lock horns over 2023 Horizon budget

14.July » Science|Business
Zbynek Stanjura, Minister of Finance of the Czech Republic. The European Parliament has vowed to fight cuts to the 2023 Horizon Europe budget, following the European Council’s proposal to take €663 million off the draft budget put forward by the Eur…

Opposing leaders criticize the fiscal deficit proposal

1.September » Prague Monitor
The government has lately been receiving a handful of negative comments from the opposing politicians regarding the government’s budget balance. The reasons behind such reactions are apparently not only their inability to manage the pandemic situati…
Ivan Bartoš - Český politik
ODS - Politická strana
Mikuláš Bek - Český vysokoškolský pedagog
Marian Jurečka - Politik za KDU-ČSL
Alena Schillerová - Česká právnička
Vít Rakušan - Český politik a středoškolský učitel
Ivan Pilip - Český ekonom a politik
Jaroslav Škárka - Politik - nezařazení
Jiří Šlégr - Politik
Michal Babák - Politik za VV
František Bublan - Český politik
Petr Skokan - Politik za VV
Stanislav Huml - Poslanec - nezařazení
Pavel Suchánek - Politik za ODS
Jiří Dolejš - politik za KSČM
Jan Farský - politik za TOP09
Vladislav Vilímec - politik za ODS
Martin Kocourek - politik ODS
Pavel Kováčik - politik za KSČM
Josef Dobeš - Ministr školství ČR
Martin Vacek - politik za VV

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