Photographic Resolutions

I’m not talking about pixels… I’m talking about life resolutions!

It’s #TravelTuesday and I, Dave Williams, am here as usual. Today I write to you from Lofoten, Norway, where the weather is a little warmer than it was last week in Lapland but still below freezing. The problem with the weather being slightly warmer is that the northern lights get hidden by the clouds. Still, there are some epic views to be had, just like this one from last week.

I’ll be posting more shots from my Due North adventure on Instagram periodically, but today isn’t about self promotion so let’s get back on track.

At the end of every year the subject of New Years Resolutions comes up. It’s a time for reflection as well as for forward planning. We can apply everything we would for a life-centric resolution to our photography, so let’s look at making plans that stick with our photography.

More than half of all New Years Resolutions fail, according to multiple sources. For this very important reason, we have to make sure we pick the right resolution that we will be able to uphold and adhere to. Think of it as setting an achievable goal rather than as a resolution and hopefully that’ll keep you on track. It must be specific because if we elect a to set a resolution that’s too vague it’s hard to see when we have it in our sights and when we don’t. In my past life there was an annoying acronym that is transferrable to this situation, and that acronym is ‘SMART.’ Our goals, or resolutions, should be: –






If we set ourselves a New Years Resolution that fits within this framework we are statistically far more likely to achieve it.

Perhaps your resolution has to do with expanding your photography business, or refining your portfolio. Maybe it’s all about education and growth, or maybe moving laterally from there, it’s about personal projects. Maybe we need a new marketing strategy, social media growth, a new website, there are countless personal and professional goals we can set ourselves.

My New Years Resolution this year is to start putting the lens cap on my lenses! It’s a simple one, but it’s a bad habit I have and I should really start doing it! Whatever yours is (or are) I wish you the best of luck, but I’ll also quickly finish by saying this. Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity. Essentially, we create our own luck.

I hope you’re all having the best time, and I wish you a Happy New Year, and I’ll catch you again in 2022!

Much love

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