RANT AND RAVE Rave to my recently retired mail carrier Kathy, whose always-orderly arrangement of my mail I took completely for granted, until her replacement assumed her route. Rant to him for haphazardly tossing the mail in my box every which way — face up, face down, long side, short side, wrong address, you name it. Honestly, it wouldn’t bug me if I didn’t know it could be done, and had been done, better.

RANT to myself for getting scammed on Craigslist for the first time. I try to be really careful when I buy anything online. The Paul McCartney ticket ad talked about his wife getting sick at the last minute and they wanted another family to enjoy the show. I even talked with the guy and offered to pray for his wife. Long story short, $400 later, I got no McCartney tickets.