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Overcoming Career Stagnation: Actionable Steps From An Executive Coach


You've been frustrated at work for a while, and things aren't getting better.

You've considered quitting your job but have hesitated because finding a new job feels overwhelming.

Your boss has told you that she thinks you'd benefit from working with a coach, but you don't know where to begin.

Start by taking action.

People will tell you to take a step back and breathe. Or they'll say something well-meaning like, "You've got this!"

Don't listen to these people unless they've had years of experience helping individuals in similar situations turn things around.

The most effective approach to influencing any result is taking action. Once you have committed to acting, you have conquered the most challenging aspect of achieving results - overcoming the inertia that often hinders progress for many individuals.

Recognize that You're Stuck

It happens to everyone at some point in their career. People get stuck in their comfort zone, which is where you are currently sitting.

It's one of those "the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know" situations—or, at least, that's what you think. Rarely do things get better on their own for people who are struggling in their comfort zone, which is why you must take steps to improve your condition.

Address your Fears

Identify the specific fears and mental blocks holding you back, such as fear of failure, rejection, or making the wrong choice. Understand that these are natural human responses to change that you'll need to work on overcoming.

This is where working with a coach can be quite beneficial. A good coach can help you quickly work through barriers that are getting in your way and holding you back.

Reframe your Mindset

Stop blaming yourself or others for your situation. Instead, focus on what you want to achieve in the next 90 days and beyond and then put a plan in place to do so.

Take Small, Tangible Steps

Take small, concrete actions to start making changes, even if they initially feel uncomfortable. Don't wait for the "perfect" time; just get started.

Life is too short to live everyday unhappy at work. Make a pledge to yourself to take the first step towards change today. Whether it's reaching out to a coach, updating your resume, or setting career goals, take action!

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