The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

The FAFSA fiasco is hardest on America’s most vulnerable scholars

First-generation students aren’t confident that financial aid will come through to fund their college ambitions

Perspective by
April 18, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. EDT
Daniel Mercado, 17, is a senior at Wheaton High School in Silver Spring and was trapped in financial aid limbo for months after he was accepted to study and play soccer at Hood College. Thousands of students were also delayed by the new FAFSA process. (Kevin Sihuas)
6 min

Go to college.

Live the American Dream.

There is financial aid! And yes, it’s for you!

These are the things that college counselors say to American kids who aren’t legacies, whose parents work double shifts and don’t even know to send them to SAT prep classes. Where would they come up with the money to pay if they got accepted?