The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

So I married an ax thrower: Virginia couple to compete at world championships

Russ Murphy and Suzie Bassett pose inside the Big Axe Barn at the Farm Brewery in Broad Run, Va. The married couple met through ax-throwing and will compete in the duals event at the World Axe and Knife Throwing Championships in Tulsa this weekend. (Craig Hudson/For the Washington Post)
7 min

Russ Murphy was skeptical when a friend invited him to throw sharp metal objects for fun with a group of regulars at Axes and Os in Sterling on a random weeknight three years ago, but Murphy, with no other plans, showed up. He wouldn’t regret it.

Like most newcomers to the increasingly mainstream sport of ax throwing, Murphy struggled at first to get his ax to stick in the wooden target 12 feet away. One lane over, another member of the group, Suzie Bassett, caught his eye.