The wild world of Fallout has a lot going on all at once, which makes sense since Lucy's journey out of the vaults for the first time has her learning...well, everything that has happened for the last 200 years. But one of the biggest surprises for her other than the fact that humans are actually still alive outside is the fact that there a plenty of other creatures and people that she has yet to encounter include the one and only, The Ghoul. He's just one of the many ghouls that she meets, which also begs us to ask the question: what exactly is a ghoul?

Here's everything you need to know about Ghouls in Fallout.

What are ghouls? And what turned them into that?

Ghouls are former humans who have been turned into these scary creatures after being exposed to so much radiation that continues to affect the Earth. The transformation usually affects their physical features first, with them turning into red creatures that looks like all their skin has been burned off. Eventually, they will turn feral but there is a special drug that can keep them from turning and also help keep them alive.

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Okay, so why is there The Ghoul then?

Well, that wasn't always his name. He used to be known as Cooper Howard and, as we learn in flashbacks, he was alive when the first bombs originally fell when he was in Los Angeles. Eventually, the radiation turned him into a ghoul. In episode 4, we learn that The Ghoul is actually one of the first as Roger points out that he's surprised how long he's lasted, before The Ghoul kills him.

Cooper Howard used to be an actor who later on also became a spokesman for Vault-Tec. Despite it all though, his connections couldn't help save him at and he later became a bounty hunter.

walton goggins the ghoul in “fallout”
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What are the vials that they need to stay alive?

We actually don't really know what they are or how they work. What we do know that The Ghoul is willing to do anything to get his hands on it including selling Lucy for several vials worth of the stuff. No doubt Vault-Tec probably had something to do with it, but wherever they came from, we don't 100 percent know the history of them just yet.