How Learning Industrial Designing made me a Better UX Designer

Dinesh Samala
UX Planet
Published in
3 min readApr 21, 2024


I was drawn to Industrial designing because I wanted to solve everyday problems I encountered with daily objects. Though I’m still learning, I can now confidently sketch out product designs with measurements and rules. I want to share people my insights from learning industrial designing and explain the key takeaways which can really help them in UX designing.

Photo by Kevin Shek on Unsplash

Industrial designing is very much similar to the UX designing, whereas both has bunch of steps and rules but the main common thing is you are designing for Users.

Industrial Design process:

Image from IntelligentProductSolutions

UX Design Process:

Image Credits — Article

As you can see the words are different in both the processes but the process is pretty much similar. You might ask “what’s the important thing that I learned from the Industrial designing?

Here’s what I’ve discovered along the way:

1️. Structured process

Industrial design follows a strict step-by-step approach. Skipping any steps can lead to problems down the line. Research, brainstorming, and refining ideas are key to creating successful designs.

2. Careful Planning

Unlike diving straight into software tools, industrial design taught me the value of careful planning. Each stage is thoughtfully considered before execution.

3. Risk and Consequences

In industrial design, mistakes can’t be fixed with a simple update like in UX design. Errors can result in wasted time and money, making the process riskier.


My industrial design journey underscores the importance of a clear process in UX design. It’s not just about the final product — it’s about the journey and ensuring each step is well-executed. 🚀

Important note for all Beginners:

To all those new to the world of design, let me shout this out: Don’t limit yourself to visual design alone. Dive into the complete UX process. It’s not just about making things look pretty; it’s about understanding user needs and crafting solutions that truly work.

Sure, flashy designs might grab attention on social media, but when it comes to designing for a broader audience, substance matters most. Don’t let your skills go to waste by focusing solely on aesthetics. Embrace the process, learn it, and live by it.

How about we wrap up with an exploration of an innovative and practical product design, adding a touch of uniqueness to this article?

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🎉Kudos to you for sticking around till the very end!

Connect with me on LinkedIn and let’s keep the design conversation going. Can’t get enough? Neither can I! Stay tuned for more design hacks and quirks. Happy designing, and remember: life’s too short for boring interfaces!

