The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Trump’s long, strange history with the tabloids

The New York City papers gave him the headlines he craved; the National Enquirer buried the ones he didn’t

April 23, 2024 at 1:45 p.m. EDT
Donald Trump waves to onlookers while leaving his residence at Trump Tower in New York, on June 7, 1990. (Mario Suriani/AP)
13 min

When Marla Maples was about to give birth to Donald Trump’s fourth child, Tiffany, in 1993, then-New York Daily News gossip columnist Linda Stasi had her editor’s orders: Get in the room to see the baby.

Maples objected, but Trump invited Stasi to the hospital, where she walked into the private room after the birth, conducted a quick interview, then asked if her photographer could snap a photo. Maples shooed her out, Stasi said in an interview. Trump soon followed, holding an empty blanket. “Here, take my picture. Just pretend there’s a baby in here,” Stasi recalled Trump saying. The camera flashed.