RANT to all the Seattle-area restaurateurs who aren’t taking advantage of huge opportunities to bring more diversity to Kitsap County, especially the central Kitsap/Silverdale area. There are a plethora of Mexican and Thai restaurants here. We need the owners of Ethiopian, Greek and dim sum restaurants, for starters, to expand west. All diverse restaurateurs are welcome. Come on over. You’ve got a captive audience!

RAVE to the ferry system. For the past two months, all eight of my trips have been on time, and additional boats have been put into service. Thank you Washington State Department of Transportation and ferries crews!

RAVE to a kind employee at Trader Joe’s. While recently shopping there for flowers, I shared with a team member that they were birthday flowers for my brother who is very ill with cancer. They insisted that the flowers would be a donation from them and the store. Thank you for this gracious gesture.