The Washington PostDemocracy Dies in Darkness

Carolyn Hax: Can one spouse tell another to stop traveling so much for work?

Advice by
April 25, 2024 at 12:00 a.m. EDT
(Nick Galifianakis/Illustration by Nick Galifianakis for The Washington Post)
3 min

Adapted from an online discussion.

Hi, Carolyn: I’m writing this as I manage a level of exhaustion and frustration I haven’t felt in a while. (Yes, I’m already reaching out to a therapist because it’s scary.) What right do I have to tell my husband to travel less for work? He used to have a two-nights-every-other-week routine that we, as a family, managed fairly okay (tiring but okay). But now it has become a weekly routine of two to four nights a week where I am left alone with both kids, 7 and 10. I also have my own job — I own my business, flexible but SUPER stressful — after-school activities, etc.