RAVE to unexpected kindness. As I approached a Starbucks, three kids, around ages 6 to 8, surrounded me, showed me a Starbucks gift card and excitedly asked if I would like to use it. They said I could buy whatever I liked. They had asked several people, but nobody would accept their offer. “Well, I’m 86,” I said, which set them aback in astonishment, “and I would love to accept your offer!” Inside, the barista pronounced the card as legitimate, for $150. I ordered coffee and something sweet as the boys bounded inside to retrieve the card. In today’s often mean-spirited world, there stood three young children, eager to offer their gift to a stranger.

RANT to people who leave their dog poop bags on the sidewalk, by the trail or other public passageways. Do they think there is some sort of pickup service that comes along and disposes of their carefully collected excrement?