May 16, 2024

​8 books recommended by former Microsoft CEO, Bill Gates

Aakanksha Sharma

Favourite and recommended

Former Microsoft CEO and visionary, Bill Gates has his personal journal ‘GatesNotes’ through which he regularly shares his book readings and recommendations. Here we list 8 brilliant books that are a part of Bill Gates’ favourites.


​‘Stranger in a Strange Land’ by Robert Heinlein

A classic science fiction novel in the list is this one. Featuring the story of Valentine Smith, a human raised by Martians who comes to Earth and experiences human culture for the first time, this is an intriguing and interesting novel to read.


​‘Surrender’ by Bono

A book by a singer, ‘Surrender’ is the memoir of U2's lead singer Bono. The book tells about his life, music, and activism. The book covers Bono’s journey from his early days in Dublin to his efforts in humanitarian work.


​‘Team of Rivals’ by Doris Kearns Goodwin

‘Team of Rivals’ is Lincoln’s historical biography and looks at how he managed to lead the United States during its most divisive period by bringing together a team of his political rivals.


​‘The Inner Game of Tennis’ by Timothy Gallwey

A book about how to maintain your calm and composure, ‘The Inner Game of Tennis’ is not just about tennis, but also about the importance of mental performance. It talks about self-awareness, focus, and letting go of self-doubt.


​‘Mendeleyev’s Dream’ by Paul Strathern

A difficult read for people from the non-science background, ‘Mendeleyev’s Dream’ is Strathern’s coverage of the history of chemistry from ancient times to the creation of the periodic table by Dmitri Mendeleev.


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​‘Not the End of the World’ by Hannah Ritchie

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​‘The Song of the Cell’ by Siddhartha Mukherjee

A brilliant and lucid book, ‘The Song of the Cell’ is Mukherjee’s exploration of the cell that makes up the fundamental unit of life. The book covers the history of cell biology and the latest scientific advancements.


‘The Power’ by Naomi Alderman

An amazing work of fiction, ‘The Power’ by Alderman is set in a world where women get a hold of immense power that leads to a shift in gender dynamics.


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