01/7Solfeggio frequencies

Meditation has always been one of the best ways to achieve peace and calm. It helps with mental clarity, emotional stability, and overall well-being. And while meditation earlier used to be limited to sitting in silence and focusing on the nature and natural sounds around us, there are now innovations that are helping people even more.

A new trend that has now come up is of meditation frequencies. Different frequencies, also called ‘solfeggio frequencies’, are believed to balance and heal the human energy and promote relaxation, change, love, and much more.
Here we list 5 frequencies and what they help achieve.

02/7​To remove pain

​To remove pain

The frequency of 174 Hz is linked to the lessening and removal of physical and emotional pain. It is considered the lowest of the ‘solfeggio’ frequencies and is believed to have a natural effect of calm in people. When used in meditation, 174 Hz frequencies can help in reducing pain and improve the healing process.
For example, if someone is dealing with some mental turmoil, meditating with this frequency can soothe the nervous system, reduce stress, and promote a feeling of well-being. The frequency helps be more gentle, remove pain and find calm.


03/7For better energy levels

For better energy levels

The 285 Hz frequency is known for its ability to energise the body and mind and thus improving energy levels of the person. This frequency is linked to the body's natural healing mechanisms, and can restore energy, making it beneficial for those feeling fatigued or drained.
To use the 285 Hz frequency during meditation, find a quiet space where you can relax without interruptions. As you meditate, focus on the sensation of the sound and imagine it entering your mind as you find your energy.


04/7​To remove negativity

​To remove negativity

To remove negativity and toxic influences, people use the 396 Hz frequency. This is also called the frequency of liberation, helping remove negative thoughts and emotions. Meditating with this frequency can help free you from guilt, fear, and other forms of negativity that block personal growth and happiness.
So, when you start meditating with the 396 Hz frequency, first it is important to believe in its power and set the intention to release the negativity that is inside you. As you listen to it and fell it, imagine that the vibrations are removing the heavy energies around you.


05/7​Change patterns in life

​Change patterns in life

The frequency of 417 Hz is famous for how it helps people change their life and the patterns they follow in life. It helps in the process of change and breaking negative habits and patterns. The 417 frequency is linked to the sacral chakra, which looks at creativity and change. And meditating with this frequency is useful for people who want to make significant life changes or overcome repetitive behaviours.


06/7​To attract love and balance

​To attract love and balance

To attract love and balance in life, it is believed that the 528 Hz frequency is the best. It is also known as the ‘love frequency’ and is linked to the heart chakra. It is said that this frequency promotes healing, and improves the feelings of love and balance. Meditating with 528 Hz sound waves helps you focus on love and healing.
So, when you meditate, imagine that this sound is covering you up in love. Visualise that you are attracting better and positive relationships in life and nothing is obsessive, but in perfect balance.


07/7​How to use these frequencies?

​How to use these frequencies?

To start using these meditation frequencies first make sure that you are in the right environment. Choose a quiet, comfortable place where you can sit undisturbed and then start the video or audio with that particular frequency. And then, once you start meditating, set your intentions clear and focus on what you wish to achieve with it.
