01/4Maheep Kapoor and Sanjay Kapoor

Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor, known as one of the good looking couples in the Indian film business, have been together for 25 years and will celebrate their 26th marriage anniversary in December 2024. Their relationship has always made news, whether because of Sanjay's extramarital affair or Maheep's confidence as an individual while starring on the show 'Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wifes'. While Sanjay is known for his performances in films such as 'Raja' and 'Sirf Tum', Maheep was a well-known model during her time.

In this article, Pandit Jagannath Guruji decodes their body language to provide insights about their relationship and personalities.

Photo: Maheep Kapoor/ Instagram

by TOI Lifestyle Desk

02/4Capturing Sanjay and Maheep's enchanting aura

Capturing Sanjay and Maheep's enchanting aura

Sanjay and Maheep Kapoor emit a positive energy and a great aura whenever they are photographed together. Sanjay and Maheep's posing for the camera demonstrates a terrific connection that has only grown stronger over time. Their hand motions and facial expressions reveal elegance and refinement, as well as a sense of confidence. Meanwhile, their combined smiles and eye motions indicate that Sanjay and Maheep are enjoying a wonderful married connection in which they both place equal value on each other despite the ups and downs that are usual in people's lives.

Photo: Maheep Kapoor/ Instagram


03/4Maheep Kapoor: An independent yet connected person

Maheep Kapoor: An independent yet connected person

Maheep Kapoor's body language makes her look stylish and beautiful, which shows how creative she is and how much she loves keeping up with the latest fashion and trends in the business. In a few pictures, Maheep is holding Sanjay's hand, which shows that even though she is an independent woman, she finds warmth, love, care, and support in him. In addition, her slightly slanted body stance shows that she is a happy, mature, and outspoken person, all of which Sanjay admires. Maheep's hand on Sanjay's shoulder also shows that she feels her life is missing something without him and that being with him brings her peace.

Photo: Maheep Kapoor/ Instagram


04/4Sanjay Kapoor: A portrait of confidence and enthusiasm

Sanjay Kapoor: A portrait of confidence and enthusiasm

Meanwhile, Sanjay Kapoor can be seen slipping his hands into his pockets, showing that despite his lack of frequent film appearances, he remains confident and enthusiastic. This also highlights Sanjay's cheerful and lively personality, which is admired and loved by others, particularly his better half, Maheep. The direction his toes are facing implies that, over time, Sanjay has developed clarity in both his personal and professional lives, preferring to be clear in his ideas and words rather than complicated and muddled. Meanwhile, his overlapping legs indicate his harsh and strict temperament, which can cause anxiety for Maheep, their families, and even himself at times. Finally, his smile when photographing Maheep, together with his tilted head, demonstrates that he sincerely cherishes Maheep in his life and regards her as the epitome of love and a true partner.

Photo: Maheep Kapoor/ Instagram
