Every romantic relationship will go one of two ways: You’ll either be together forever or you’ll break up...and option number two obviously happens way more often than option number one. Breakups are a part of life, but that doesn’t mean they don’t totally suck—whether or not you know it needed to happen.

But getting over it right away isn’t always easy, and taking the time to heal is important in the process of moving on. And honestly, part of that healing time should include staying in, wearing PJs, eating a lot of snacks, and watching movies to empower you to get over the split.

Ready to become your best single self? These 39 movies should help.

Mamma Mia!

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Looking for something to cheer you up? Nothing’s gonna do it quite like Mamma Mia!. And after going through a breakup, you’re going to want to take a few pages out of Donna’s book. Her approach to relationships—and saying goodbye—is chef’s kiss.


Girls Trip

A breakup is the perfect time to take that big vacation you’ve been group texting about! And Girls Trip is the perfect inspiration for it. Pick up that phone and book those tickets, it’s time to unwind. (Maybe skip the absinthe, though?)


The First Wives Club

Diane Keaton, Bette Midler and Goldie Hawn create the First Wives Club to get back at their lousy cheating ex-husbands. And it is movie gold! Casting legends aside, this movie has everything you need for those shady Insta captions for post-breakup posts and, honestly, it's a needed reminder that relationships can be messy at every age.


John Tucker Must Die

Three ex-girlfriends of a serial cheater hunt his ass down and ruin his life. So satisfying. It’s a damn shame this movie has a stereotypical happy ending for the dude but that’s Hollywood for you!!! If you wanted to turn this off about 20 minutes before the end, I would not begrudge you.


Someone Great

This Netflix original—which stars Brittany Snow, Gina Rodriguez, and DeWanda Wise—is about a woman who has to restart her life after her longtime boyfriend breaks up with her. If you’re looking for something to empower and inspire you, this is absolutely it.


He’s Just Not That Into You

This movie tells the story of a lot of different types of relationships...and how to know when it’s the right time to move on, which is probably something you’re identifying with right now. It’s also packed with actually useful advice when you decide to get back into the dating world (although not all of it is great—use your best judgment!)


Marriage Story

If you haven’t already seen Marriage Story, you’ve definitely seen the memes of Adam Driver and Scarlett Johansson as their characters’ marriage bites the dust. This one is about two people who were in love but ultimately couldn’t make it work—and how difficult divorce can be, even though it can lead to a much happier life for everyone involved.


The Last Five Years

Fans of musicals, this one’s for you. The film version of The Last Five Years stars Anna Kendrick and tells the story of the end of a relationship and everything that took place over the five years the couple was together—in song, of course—from both their points of view.


Celeste & Jesse Forever

Starring Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg, this movie is about a couple who knows they need to get divorced but still want to remain best friends—although that’s definitely easier said than done. But if you want to believe it’s possible to move on and keep the respect for each other alive, this movie might help.


Runaway Bride

In Runaway Bride, Julia Roberts has attempted to get married plenty of times without success—if anyone knows about breakups, it’s this lady who never makes it down the aisle. But the movie’s hopeful ending is just inspiring enough to remind us that the right person is out there, even when it feels like they’re not.


Some Like It Hot

Now this is throwing it wayyy back. There’s no better distraction than some good ol’-fashioned comedy. And this is probably the funniest movie of all time. All time! There’s drag, there’s gangsters, and there’s Marilyn Monroe at her screwball gold. It is magic.


In the Mood for Love

This movie is just all-around visually stunning, thanks to the direction of genius Wong Kar-wai. Its subtle storytelling is also beautiful. A newspaper editor moves into a building with his wife. A secretary and her executive husband also live in the same building. The editor and secretary find themselves in similar predicaments, suffering heartache quietly as it becomes clear that their spouses have been unfaithful. They become each other's source of comfort, but is that enough for a happy ending?


The Break-Up

    An obvious choice, but you have to watch this if you lived with your now-ex so you can be grateful that one of you left your shared home instead of doing everything and anything to try to get the other person to bounce. Civility is underrated!


    To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before

    Suffering a nasty breakup from a non-relationship relationship? TATBILB is the perfect movie to pump your squashed little heart back up with joy. Maybe you really will find your own Peter Kavinsky someday!


    Blue Valentine

    Look, sometimes you need to get a good cry (or twelve) out before you can conceivably start to feel better or want to watch something happier. Watching the slow-yet-beautiful dissolution of a relationship can make you feel like someone out there gets how you feel right now. Sometimes, that’s all you need.


    Call Me By Your Name

    This is really more of a natural-growing-apart kind of breakup than anything else, but BOY does it hurt just as much. Watch this movie to either (a) remind yourself of how transformative falling in love can be or (b) cry your heart out at the end. Or, honestly, both. This is peak catharsis.


    Magic Mike: XXL

    Sure, the original’s great, but TBH it's a little more dramatic than the sequel, which totally gets what its audience wants: lots of gyrating abs, preferably to the tune of “I Want It That Way.” Watch, be delighted, and set your sights on someone way hotter than any of your exes.


    Eat, Pray, Love

    Even if *you* can’t heal from your breakup by traveling the world and falling madly in love with pizza, you can at least watch Julia Roberts do it, which is almost as good! Plus, it’s great inspo for when you do feel like going on a lavish vacay—it’s okay if that isn’t right now.


    Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

    As much as you may want to erase all memory of your ex, let this movie prove how bad of an idea that is. No matter what happened, they might be at least some good memories that you can cherish someday once the hurt passes, and this film shows there shouldn’t be regret in remembering just how much a person meant to you at one time in your life.


    La La Land

    If you’re in the mood for songs, La La Land’s got you. It’s lush, it’s flirty, it’s sad as heck by the end, and it makes you realize how all relationships help us grow and become who we want to be—even if they’re not meant to last forever.


    The Wedding Singer

    Robbie (Adam Sandler) goes through a bad breakup and falls in love with Julia (Drew Barrymore), who is engaged to be the future Mrs. Julia Gulia. You can probs predict how this rom-com will end, and it’ll make you realize that there’s ALWAYS love to be found even after the worst heartbreak.


    How to Be Single

    Let me guess: The second your relationship was officially over, your best friend most ready-to-rip-shots dragged you out to a club and tried to hurl you into a new life of partying. How to Be Single is a movie about just that, and Dakota Johnson (the recently dumped), handles her newfound single status probably as well as you do. (Read: not that well.)


    Crazy, Stupid, Love

    This movie is like The Oprah Winfrey Show of film. Everyone gets a breakup! No, but seriously, Crazy, Stupid, Love has so many wonderful twists and turns, and some delightful Ryan Gosling shirtless scenes. Perhaps the biggest plot twist of this movie? The fact that “wait, is Steve Carell hot?” is a thought that might pass through your mind each time you watch.



    Bridesmaids is the perfect breakup movie because it deals with approximately one million different kinds of loss. Kristen Wiig’s character, Annie, loses her relationship, her business, her freedom, and, for a hot second, her best friend. If your broken-hearted self can’t LOL at this Judd Apatow-produced masterpiece, you may never laugh again. (I’m kidding! I’m sorry!)


    Silver Linings Playbook

    Do you feel like bawling your eyes out while Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper try to heal their broken hearts and also do a bit of dancing? Well then, this just might be the breakup solution for you, even though the plot is super-duper predictable.


    How Stella Got Her Groove Back

    Two words: Winston. Shakespeare. That is all. Plus Angela Bassett is magic as Stella, the crystal-clear water of Jamaica is gorgeous, and pressing pause on your busy life to prioritize what's important matters. You’re all about reprioritizing right now, so this movie is perfect for you.


    Under the Tuscan Sun

    Diane Lane gets her groove back in the Italian countryside with a broken-ass house and a fine-ass man. This is not so wrong. It is, in fact, very right. Plus, Diane Lane makes everything better and this is no exception. If I could send you an actual hug from Diane Lane right now, your breakup blues would be cured. Consider this a second best.


    Bridget Jones’s Diary

    Bridget Jones is the human embodiment of a breakup, so this movie will either comfort you or make you cry forever. Two things you’re gonna need during a breakup: your box of Tesco (or, uh, tub of Ben & Jerry’s if you’re here in the States!) and your Whitney Houston. Grab ’em and get to mourning.


    High Fidelity

    A record shop owner tells the story of his many breakups set to a variety of excellent songs. Although the movie is ultimately a love story, there are so many good breakups along the way, it works. The major lesson here is: You will have many, many breakups in your life, and you’re gonna be all right.


    Forgetting Sarah Marshall

    This movie takes you from the lowest of lows and then to an even lower place and then lower still. I mean, our hero hits true rock bottom. His ex-girlfriend follows up their breakup by dating a super-famous rock star! And oh yeah, and they’re having loud, hot sex in the room next to him. It’s torture. It’s so much torture. But also, it’s funny and sweet, and if this guy can get through his breakup, anyone can. You’re gonna be okay! What a gift!


    My Best Friend’s Wedding

    Julia Roberts is a total monster in this movie, and it is magnificent to live vicariously through her. Every time you want to do something stupid to your ex, just watch this movie instead. Oh, and while you’re at it, block all his shit on your phone. Do it. Do it right now. Good job! Now go watch My Best Friend’s Wedding again.


    Legally Blonde

    Elle Woods gets dumped and then becomes legally blonde. You do not need any further inspiration. She is your new everything. You are her, and she is you. Become Elle Woods. Become her!


    Kill Bill: Volume 1

    Is there anything more appropriate than a woman hell-bent on seeking revenge on her former boss and lover for trying to kill her on her wedding day? I don’t think so. This cathartic classic is a perfect movie to add to your post-breakup watchlist.


    Birds of Prey

    Even Harley Quinn has to deal with breakups. Since splitting from her problematic relationship with her partner-in-crime the Joker, Harley is finding herself and is still up to no good. But who needs a boyfriend to come along for the ride when you’ve got a gang of badass women behind you?



    Okay, look. Hear me out: There’s a lot going on in this freakishly horrifying move, but at its heart, it is a breakup story. Maybe you can chase the feeling of sadness away and replace it with horror and fear? IDK, I’m not a therapist but it doesn’t seem like the worst idea.


    Begin Again

    The! Music!! In!!! This!!!! Movie!!!!! Also, can we all agree that Adam Levine and Keira Knightley would make a really hot couple IRL? Yes? No? Maybe? Anyway, the title says it all. A woman finds herself growing apart from her songwriting partner and boyfriend, and it ends up being one of the best things for her own life and career.


    Nappily Ever After

    This movie is all about fresh starts and post-breakup reinvention, based on the book by Trisha R. Thomas. A woman who seemingly had a perfect life crumbles under pressure after breaking up with her longtime boyfriend when he doesn’t propose to her. She shaves her head and ~starts anew~.


    Sliding Doors

    If you still feel like wallowing philosophically after a breakup, this might just be the movie to do that with. This movie shows two versions of one woman’s life: one where she catches her boyfriend cheating on her, and the other where she doesn’t. It just goes to show how a moment as small as boarding a train on time can change the course of your life.


    Table 19

    Relatable for anyone who’s had to attend a wedding just after a breakup. This is also a great picker-upper if you need some laughs. Anna Kendrick plays Eloise, who has just been replaced as the maid of honor at her friend’s wedding. She decides to go anyway and ends up with misfit strangers at Table 19. They grow close, and they help her piece together the messy breakup situation that landed her a seat on their table in the first place.


    Tiny Furniture

    This movie is dedicated to all those feeling anxious about the future of their career, life, and love life—aka all of us. It’s a nice little reminder that there’s so much more to life than dating, and that the losses and disasters we're dealing with now can lead to big beautiful wins down the road.


    Do Revenge

    The campiness, the color, the wardrobe, and the oh-so-satisfying revenge. This movie will instantly make you forget whatever it was that you were crying about...and might even fuel a really elaborate, awesome revenge plan. Just kidding! (Or am I?)


    The Worst Person in the World

    Finding yourself is worth more than finding a partner! You probably already know this, but in case you need a little reminder, watch this Norwegian coming-of-age film about a young woman struggling with indecision, and dealing with her love life, family, and career.


    Hello, Love, Goodbye

    Sometimes, you meet the person. Your person. You're both madly in love. Everything feels like bliss and conversations feel like they can go on forever. But the thing is, life can get in the way. In this movie, set in the beautiful city of Hong Kong, a bartender and domestic worker find that love might not be all it takes when your hopes and dreams are on the line.


    Lost in Translation

    If you want to cope without having to deal with another typical romantic storyline, this might be the film for you. Starring Billy Murray and Scarlett Johansson, this movie follows two unlikely travel companions who find each other during their jet-lag driven sleepless nights in Tokyo. They form a quiet and meaningful bond, but always seem to find some sort of misalignment with each other.



    If you want to be in your feelings, stay there, cry it out some more, maybe get a little weird and immerse yourself in the absurd, then Her might be just the movie for you. Everything is changing and things might seem like they've turned upside-down... so maybe you just need something to show you that crazier things could happen, like falling in love with Siri or Alexa. (We don't recommend falling in love with AI but, hey, it's a free country!)


    That Thing Called Tadhana

    This movie is perfect for anyone who feels like they just want to go into the wild, stare into the abyss, and scream at the top of their lungs in the mountains. A broken-hearted woman meets a man who helps her out at the airport. They decide to be travel buddies, and form a friendship as they try to console one another.


    Waiting to Exhale

    The star-studded cast in this movie includes Angela Bassett, Whitney Houston, Loretta Devine, and Lela Rochon. It's about four friends who lean on each other as they go about their lives and complain about the scarcity of good men in this world.


    A Separation

    This movie shows just how messy marriages can get. If drama is what you want, drama is what you will get! A couple is caught between the decision of whether or not to move to another country for the sake of their child, or to stay for a parent who suffers from Alzheimer's. Now, one threatens to divorce the other.
