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Police tape restricts access to a crime scene
Inspector Karl Hahne said the victim suffered wounds to his legs and stomach and remains in hospital with life-threatening injuries. Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP
Inspector Karl Hahne said the victim suffered wounds to his legs and stomach and remains in hospital with life-threatening injuries. Photograph: Joel Carrett/AAP

Police charge 17-year-old with attempted murder over alleged daylight brawl and stabbing in Brisbane

Boy charged after an alleged fight ended in a man being stabbed multiple times in Acacia Ridge

A 17-year-old boy has been charged with attempted murder after an alleged fight ended in a stabbing in the Brisbane suburb of Acacia Ridge.

Police allege two men were seen fighting on the footpath outside a Gregory St address at 2.30pm on Friday, before the 17-year-old brought out a knife and stabbed a 19-year-old man multiple times.

“Witnesses said they heard a fight, raised voices and believe there was a wrestle on the ground and what they believe was punches thrown,” Inspector Karl Hahne told reporters on Friday.

“One of the witnesses said when the two males parted, that’s when she saw a knife in one of the males’ hands … she realised that possibly somebody had been stabbed.”

Insp Hahne said the victim suffered wounds to his legs and stomach and was rushed to Princess Alexandra hospital where he remains with life-threatening injuries.

Police located the weapon on the street which Insp Hahne said was a curved hunting or fishing knife between 25cm and 30cm long.

The 17-year-old was found close to the scene and arrested without any resistance.

“Due to the fact that a person has been located with stab wounds, police obviously take a cautionary approach,” Insp Hahne said.

“[Officers] tactically probed the gentleman and asked him to basically put his hands out where they could see them and he did, he complied.”

The reason behind the alleged altercation between the two men will form the police investigation.

The teenager has been charged with one count each of attempted murder, threatening violence, and possession of a knife in a public space.

He is set to face Brisbane Childrens Court on Saturday.

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