Israeli-Palestinian content creator Nas Daily creates video in Jerusalem about Judaism

The theme of community is highlighted heavily in the video for its importance to the religion.

 Nuseir Yassin with Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen on the roof of the Dan Family Aish World Center. (photo credit: AISH.COM)
Nuseir Yassin with Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen on the roof of the Dan Family Aish World Center.
(photo credit: AISH.COM)

Israeli-Palestinian content creator Nas Daily, also known as Nuseir Yassin, created and posted a video on his many social media platforms on Thursday educating his viewers about Judaism.

Yassin posted the video as part of a series to inform his viewers of the major religions of the world. Other videos he has or is expected to release on the major religions include Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, and even Atheism. His video on Christianity is expected to be filmed later this month. His video on Judaism was filmed during Passover.

In the video, Yassin traveled to Jerusalem, where he spent one month studying Judaism. Part of the video was shot at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site. He discusses the influences that it had on Christianity and Islam - with it being the first monotheistic religion.

Yassin teamed up with a Jerusalem-based educational institution Aish World Center to create the video, and had a four-hour conversation with a rabbi, senior Aish educator, Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen, who had also spent years studying Hinduism and Buddhism.

The center sits directly across from the Western Wall.

 Nas Daily with Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen. (credit: AISH.COM)
Nas Daily with Rabbi Dov Ber Cohen. (credit: AISH.COM)
Nuseir (Nas) taking a photo together with yeshiva students from Aish as part of the video (credit: AISH.COM)
Nuseir (Nas) taking a photo together with yeshiva students from Aish as part of the video (credit: AISH.COM)

Yassin also emphasizes that Judaism is more than just a religion, but also a peoplehood. He is seen attending a Shabbat dinner in the video, and then shows himself traveling the city during Shabbat, noting the lack of activity in the Israeli capital during the Jewish holiday.

Later in the video, Yassin shows Jews praying together, Bar Mitzvahs, and how Jews travel to Chabad houses.

“This video in particular was inspiring for me as I grew up living in Israel right next to Jews and Judaism and yet I knew so little about their religion and culture," Yassin said. "This whole spirituality challenge is inspiring, but finally learning about Judaism helped me understand the people who I grew up right next to, on a much deeper level.” 

The video has over 100 thousand likes on Instagram as of early Saturday morning, where it heavily focuses on the importance of community in Judaism.

 “There are so many life-changing ideas in Judaism,” Dov Ber said after the filming was complete. “It is impossible to reduce them to one article or a video, even a Nas Daily video. My hope is that people will get a taste and want to learn more to empower your journey to purpose, happiness, and meaning in life.”

Jamie Geller, who is Aish's Chief Media and Marketing Officer, said "During this time when it is difficult for many to express their Jewish identity openly without suffering ridicule, we encourage anyone who is looking to learn more about their Jewish heritage to get in touch with us.

Nuseir (Nas) filming the Chavruta scene at the Aish Yeshiva. (credit: AISH.COM)
Nuseir (Nas) filming the Chavruta scene at the Aish Yeshiva. (credit: AISH.COM)

"Whether it is to study Judaism, ask a question that they have always wanted an answer to, or simply to find a group of like-minded people online, we invite you to engage with us on social media."