Smotrich suggests IDF enter Lebanon, establish security zone if Hezbollah continues firing

If Hezbollah would continue firing after such an ultimatum, Smotrich said the IDF should launch a defensive attack deep in Lebanese territory, including a ground entry.

 Minister of Finance and Head of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich leads a faction meeting at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, April 30, 2024. (photo credit: OREN BEN HAKOON/FLASH90)
Minister of Finance and Head of the Religious Zionist Party Bezalel Smotrich leads a faction meeting at the Knesset, the Israeli parliament in Jerusalem, April 30, 2024.
(photo credit: OREN BEN HAKOON/FLASH90)

Finance Minister and Chairman of the Religious Zionism Party, Bezalel Smotrich, called on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to issue an ultimatum to Hezbollah to stop firing on the North, as well as for the permanent presence of the IDF in the entire Gaza Strip and total military occupation of the city of Rafah.

He made this statement at a party meeting in northern Israel, where he called on Netanyahu to set a long-term security policy that would guarantee Israel’s security and victory.

Smotrich also urged the cabinet to institute a permanent presence of the IDF in the entire Gaza Strip and take full control of the territory. He stated, “Instead of discussing withdrawal from the Netzarim Corridor, more outposts and control lines need to be established in the north, center, and south of the Gaza Strip to prevent a situation where Hamas can restore its military infrastructure and civilian control once forces leave.”

He also insisted on the immediate completion of the operation along the Philadelphi Corridor and the total occupation of the whole city of Rafah. He argued that this “is to prevent the continued smuggling from Egypt to Hamas and to cut off the lifeline to the terrorists.”

Israel's northern border

Regarding the northern border with Lebanon, Smotrich called on the prime minister to issue an ultimatum to Hezbollah to completely stop firing at northern Israel and to “withdraw all of its forces beyond the Litani River.”

 Israeli firefighter teams with the help of airplanes and Israeli soldiers try to extinguish huge wildfires following a massive missile attack in the northern Israeli town of Katsrin, Golan Heights on May 17, 2024. (credit: MICHAEL GILADI/FLASH90)
Israeli firefighter teams with the help of airplanes and Israeli soldiers try to extinguish huge wildfires following a massive missile attack in the northern Israeli town of Katsrin, Golan Heights on May 17, 2024. (credit: MICHAEL GILADI/FLASH90)

Should Hezbollah continue to fire after such an ultimatum, Smotrich said, the IDF should launch a defensive attack deep in Lebanese territory, which would include a ground entry and an Israeli military takeover of southern Lebanon.

Smotrich’s comments came a day after war cabinet member and Minister-without-Portfolio MK Benny Gantz gave Netanyahu a June 8 deadline to come up with a comprehensive plan for the ‘day after’ Hamas.

Gantz’s plan encompassed returning the hostages, forming a coalition of international and Palestinian actors to take over civilian matters in Gaza, moving forward with a normalization process with Saudi Arabia, and returning Israeli evacuees from the North to their homes by September 1.

Smotrich on Saturday night accused Gantz of de facto advocating for a Palestinian state, which Smotrich said would “certainly” become a “terror country.”

In response to Smotrich’s statements on Sunday, Yisrael Beiteinu MK Avigdor Liberman asked which soldiers would be fulfilling these duties.

“For Minister Smotrich’s information, the Israeli government should have prepared to create a security zone in southern Lebanon several months ago. 

The question now is, who exactly will be the force to do this? The reservists who have been on duty for over seven months, or the regular soldiers who haven’t seen home because there aren’t enough troops?”

Liberman concluded, “First, promote recruitment for everyone – then talk,” referring to the ongoing issue of the exemption of haredim from army duty.

Netanyahu was scheduled to meet with mayors from the North late in the afternoon on Sunday. The meeting ended after press time. 

Two of these mayors, Metulla’s David Azulay and the head of the Upper Galilee Regional Council, Giora Zaltz, decided in advance to boycott the meeting.