US Security Adviser Sullivan visits Israel to advance hostage, Saudi deals

Sullivan arrived in Israel Sunday from Saudi Arabia where he met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

 White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan speaks during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, US, April 9, 2024. (photo credit: REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE)
White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan speaks during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, US, April 9, 2024.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is in Jerusalem in an attempt to revive the frozen talks for a hostage deal and to advance a complex three-way deal with Saudi Arabia that includes a normalization deal with Israel.

Sullivan arrived in Israel Sunday from Saudi Arabia where he met with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman.

Given that the US and Saudi Arabia are finalizing the details of a complex security pact, there is increased attention on the issue of a normalization agreement, which can not happen while the Gaza war is ongoing.

The Saudi Foreign Ministry said the two men “discussed the nearly final version of the draft strategic agreement” which has “almost been finalized.”

They also explored ways to find a “credible pathway toward the two-state solution in a way that meets the aspirations of the Palestinian people and their legitimate rights.” In addition, they spoke of issues relating to the Gaza war and humanitarian assistance,” the Saudi Foreign Ministry stated.

 Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia December 6, 2023. (credit: Sputnik/Sergei Savostyanov/Pool via REUTERS)
Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman attends a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia December 6, 2023. (credit: Sputnik/Sergei Savostyanov/Pool via REUTERS)

Sullivan met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu early in the afternoon and was expected to speak with President Isaac Herzog in the evening.

Strategic timing for official visit

The visit comes as Netanyahu is at odds with the Biden administration over his plan for a major military operation in Rafah, where the army is already operating.

US officials are also frustrated, as are members of Netanyahu’s coalition, over the lack of a credible Day After plan for Gaza.

Israel has held fast to the concept that a military operation is the best way to destroy Hamas and retrieve the hostages. The US has come to believe that Hamas is best defeated diplomatically and not militarily, by tying the fate of Gaza to a Saudi normalization deal.