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Apple takes EU to court over $2 billion Apple Music fine

Spotify's App Store icon (left), Apple Music (right)

Apple has filed a lawsuit with Europe's General Court over the EU's decision to fine it for Apple Music's alleged unfair competition practices against Spotify.

In March 2024, the European Union fined Apple $1.8 billion for what it called a violation of antitrust rules. Specifically, it said that Apple was preventing users from being told of "alternative, cheaper music services available outside of the Apple eco system."

However, the accusation ignored how Spotify holds more than twice the market share of Apple Music despite this alleged preventing users knowing about it. Now according to Bloomberg, Apple has taken its case to the EU General Court in Luxembourg.

Apple had already announced that it would appeal, and has not commented further. However, Apple previously claimed that the fine was imposed "despite the Commission's failure to uncover any credible evidence of consumer harm, and ignores the realities of a market that is thriving, competitive, and growing fast."

"The primary advocate for this decision — and the biggest beneficiary — is Spotify, a company based in Stockholm, Sweden," continued Apple. "Today, Spotify has a 56 percent share of Europe's music streaming market — more than double their closest competitor's — and pays Apple nothing for the services that have helped make them one of the most recognizable brands in the world."

The European Commission says it is ready to defend its decisions.

Separately, the EU is also reportedly investigating whether Apple is trying to drive developers away from the new contract options it has been forced to offer under the Digital Markets Act.