Trauma is universal, persecution of the Jews is inexcusable - opinion

Israel is not a political issue; Israel is a Biblical issue - because this is God's nation, and the Jewish people are His people. 

American Jews and their supporters participate in the March for Israel in Washington, DC, earlier this month.  (photo credit: LEAH MILLIS/REUTERS)
American Jews and their supporters participate in the March for Israel in Washington, DC, earlier this month.
(photo credit: LEAH MILLIS/REUTERS)

Whether you are living in Finland, Venezuela, Belgium, America, Argentina or Japan – it doesn't matter where you're living; there is not one person or family who goes through life without extreme hardship, pain and trauma. Whether it's an ugly divorce, being sick with cancer, betrayal, bankruptcy, accident, major surgery, the loss of a child, the loss of a loved one, abuse or rape, whatever it is, people are suffering the same in Israel.

Whatever hardship you are going through that is breaking you to the core and has you weeping on the floor or not being able to get out of bed – whether you are living in Australia or Norway, no matter what you can possibly go through of horrific things in your life, we all suffer in some manner. It is a common denominator of our mortality on this earth. 

Now imagine, on top of whatever hardship you are going through anywhere around the world, you are being told by the whole world that you are "illegally occupying" your homeland.

You are occupying someone else's "country" that actually is non-existent – geopolitical fiction, actually, and for that fictional reason, it's okay to murder you. For that same reason, you, your child, wife, or husband are brutally butchered in your home, run down while waiting at a bus stop, murdered in front of a supermarket, or shot while sitting on a bus. 

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The worst things people can experience happen to Israeli civilians - but why?

The most horrific terror attacks that you can possibly imagine continue to happen – buses and cafes are being blown up, people are being stoned as they drive in their vehicles – which has just happened three days in a row, and a toddler was actually injured here in Israel. Countless thousands and thousands of rockets, missiles, and drones are flying into Israel as her enemies continue their efforts to murder you and anyone else who calls Israel their home. 

It is horrific when you have to run for your life into bomb shelters, and old ladies living on the fourth floors of apartments that do not have an elevator – are not being able to come down to get into a bomb shelter. Imagine the terror as you bring your toddlers out in the middle of the night, running for cover as you try to shield their tender lives, because numerous countries are firing missiles, drones and rockets – all because they want to kill you just for you being Jewish and living in your own country. 

The more subtle battles you face each day are things like your manufactured or homemade products being boycotted just for living in Judea and Samaria. In the political arena, your leaders are being named as war criminals when they are just defending you and your country. Then you have to watch millions of people walking in protests on the streets of cities all across the world while calling for the annihilation of you and your wife and your children, your grandchildren – staring in unbelief as you watch them walking and chanting in the streets as they call for robust support of these modern-day Nazis.

However, the air is silent because there is not one word of shock, outrage, or anger for the hostages of October 7, 2023, to be released. In Israel, there are survivors among your people who have gone through the horrors of the Holocaust – and against all they endured, these brave souls came back as prophecies were fulfilled. Today, we see the Jewish people come home to their ancestral homeland with connections that reach back to thousands of years. Then the October 7 massacre happened, and some of those survivors perished at the hands of this new generation of Nazis. 

This event in Israel was the biggest onslaught against the Jewish people since World War Two happened. Your soul feels violated as you are forced to watch people glorify and celebrate that horrific day, and on top of that - the world expects you to show restraint to feed your enemies and give them water and electricity to the people who are cheering when your people are being murdered. 

So, think about your circumstances – no matter what hardship you're going through around the world, you don't have to endure such horror and abuse. Can you imagine – no – unless you live here, you can't. Millions of Israelis have PTSD; they are deeply traumatized. Such is the very soul of Israel, with so much pain and grief.

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But for such a time as this – you – good, loving, history-understanding people, and especially Christians – the Bible-believing people who understand the truth, the facts, the history – you are obligated for such a time as this to stand up and speak up like Queen Esther did for her nation, the Jewish people who are constantly forced to defend their very existence, and their right to live in the great nation of Israel. 

Israel has to constantly defend why they are demolishing the homes of terrorists who have murdered Jews, while on the other side of the coin, you watch YOUR government (and many others around the world) pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into arch-terrorist Abu Mazen/ Mahmoud Abbas – a terrorist in a suit – who is paying a reward to the vile terrorists who are murdering Jewish children and adults. 

In order to seek the release of Israel's precious and innocent civilians and soldiers who were kidnapped and dragged into the dungeons in Gaza, Israel has been forced to release cold-blooded terrorists who blew up cafes, blew up buses, and murdered Jews in the most heinous ways possible. 

Meanwhile, the world only mentions that they are Palestinian prisoners – who are "victims" in their own right and refuse to share the real reason they are prisoners, with terrible stories of the gruesome terror attacks they have committed. Where is the moral compass for the rest of the world when there are still hostages left inside Gaza being brutalized, tortured, and starved? All this while the world only cares about Israel, no longer letting aid into the Gaza Strip to feed the terror organization called Hamas.

Apparently, that's more important to the world than the hostages who are still held in Gaza, all the families who are mourning their loved ones, or all the families who have lost a precious one in terror attacks even before or after October 7. We had one yesterday where terrorists were firing into the vehicle of an 18-year-old man who was shot in his arm. 

So again, let me repeat – whatever trauma, hardship, devastation, or grief you are going through, people are going through the same here in Israel, but on top of that, they have all the rest of these horrible and unjust issues to deal with on a daily basis. Let that sink in for just a moment because unless you live here, you can't imagine what it's like. So, for such a time as this, we are called to "comfort, comfort My people" and to stand united with Israel, the nation that God singled out from all the nations. 

He put the borders down and His Name down on this piece of land. God said, "I will plant them here, never to be uprooted again." But uprooting and annihilation is what the world wants, they want to divide the Holy Land for their own profit, they dare to touch the apple of God's eye, and they are okay with the murder and the slaughter of the Jewish people. 

Rockets, shootings, ramming attacks with cars and trucks, stabbing, axe attacks, machete attacks, bombings – you name it – it happens here. And yet, the world has more sympathy for these modern-day Nazis and their supporters – shame on you! 

And I want to encourage you as we just celebrated Purim: Stand with Israel, stand for truth, stand for justice, come against the lies when you see your government is supporting Mahmoud Abbas – a terrorist in a suit, or when you see your government is supporting UNWRA who is doing nothing good – nothing but indoctrinating children with hatred towards the Jewish people and they becoming the next generation of Hamas terrorists. UNWRA workers are Hamas terrorists!

Israel is not a political issue; Israel is a Biblical issue - because this is God's nation, and the Jewish people are His people. 

Now and forever!