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  • David Silva sits astride his horse displaying a Cuauhtemoc Cardenas...

    David Silva sits astride his horse displaying a Cuauhtemoc Cardenas bumper sticker during a press conference in Los Angeles Friday, June 30, 2000, for the Mexican Presidential elections which are to be held on Sunday. Opposition political groups charge Mexico's ruling party with trying to sabotage efforts to let Mexican-Americans cast votes in Sunday's neck-and-neck presidential election. (AP Photo/Neil Jacobs)

  • Bumper stickers line a shelf as republicans watch the final...

    Bumper stickers line a shelf as republicans watch the final presidential debate at their campaign headquarters on Monday, Oct. 22, 2012, in San Rafael, Calif.(IJ photo/Frankie Frost)

  • A bumper sticker on the back of Jan Krieger's rebuilt...

    A bumper sticker on the back of Jan Krieger's rebuilt 1929 Ford Roadster pickup shows support for President Barack Obama. (Joshua Melvin/Daily News)



Q Hey Gary, this is weird and I’m curious what you and your readers think.

I commute on Interstate 280 to East San Jose where I am a public school U.S. History & Government teacher in my 27th teaching year. In ALL previous presidential election years I’ve always enjoyed the numerous and entertaining bumper stickers.

A couple of weeks ago when we returned for the new school year, I noticed that no cars at all were sporting bumper stickers for either of the two major candidates, nor for the peripheral candidates.

So, I started paying closer attention — while still driving safely! To date I have not observed even one presidential candidate bumper sticker on my commute.

What’s up with that? Are people not enthusiastic about our choices? Are people afraid or embarrassed to publicly advocate for their choice? Or are people just weary of mucking up their cars with bumper stickers?

It’s an interesting sociological question. What do you and your readers observe and think about this new trend?

Alexandra Adams

San Jose

A My theory is that there is so much trash talking and hatred being expressed that some folks fear their vehicles might be defaced by the opposition, so they are reluctant to put on bumper stickers.

Then there’s social media, which attracts so many crazies.

Please bring back “I Like Ike.”

Q A friend asked: What happens to the old asphalt when they do a serious repaving like on Highway 101 near Morgan Hill? It seemed possible that these paving machines could reuse the asphalt as part of the new paving, but I suspect it’s too contaminated.

Steve Rempel

Los Altos

A Some can be reused, but most of it is recycled.

Q Regarding Highway 101 between San Jose and Morgan Hill:

Can you please remind Caltrans not to drink and stripe, especially while blindfolded?

Russell Barnett

A This is temporary. The state will re-stripe the freeway when paving is done in a few weeks.

Q People who complain about the bicycle symbols on our streets must lead a boring life and not go far from their house as they are all over the county, state and country.

They need to get a life and maybe do some volunteer work. There are more important things to complain about than these symbols.

Bob Green

San Jose

A And more of these symbols called “sharrows” are coming.

Q Here’s my solution to stressful commutes: meditation. Heading south on Highway 101 though Construction-Zone Alto and Googlized Mountain View, simply engage the parking brake, tip your seat back, close your eyes and chant, “Ommmm.”

On a typical weekday commute you should easily be able to get 10 minutes of peaceful meditation in the No. 2 lane before traffic starts to move again.

David Henkel-Wallace

Palo Alto

A David is kidding, I hope!

Join Gary Richards for an hourlong chat noon Wednesday at Follow Gary at, look for him at or contact him at or 408-920-5335.