Publish SharePoint Add-In To Office Store

If you want your SharePoint add-in to appear in the appsource and the in-product store, you need to submit it to the Seller dashboard for approval. It is important to know the appsource validation policies. You can add and save your submission as a draft to your Seller dashboard account until you are ready to submit it for approval.

If your SharePoint add-in requires an open authorization client id and client secret, you can add a client id and client secret in the Seller dashboard before you add your add-in. Currently, the SharePoint Framework WebPart or Extensions can't be published via appsource. 


  • Familiarize yourself with the AppSource validation policies
  • Seller dashbaord account
  • Add-in file in .app format
  • App logo
  • App screenshots specific to supported languages


This section lists the steps involved in submitting your SharePoint add-in to the Seller Dashboard.

Add a new app

On the Overview page, click the "Add a new app" button.

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

On the Listing Type page, select "SharePoint add-in" and click "Next".

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

Upload Package

On the Overview page, provide the mandatory field details as shown below and click "Next".

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

Language Details

On the Details page, select the necessary languages and provide the mandatory field details as shown below and click "Next".

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

Block Access

If you want to prevent the app purchases, select the countries/regions.

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

Lead Management

To get the information of the users who acquired your add-in, you can submit the lead configuration details for your customer relationship management (CRM) system in the Seller Dashboard.

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

Pricing Model

Choose the pricing model that fits your need.

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

Save as a draft or Submit

On your Summary page, select "EDIT DRAFT" and make your changes. Select "SUBMIT FOR APPROVAL". After your seller account is approved, you can submit your add-in to the Seller Dashboard. You can make changes at any point before you submit for approval but during the approval process, you won’t be able to make any changes.

Publish SharePoint Add In To Office Store

Why can an add-in be rejected by Microsoft?

The following points contain the very popular reasons for an add-in to be rejected.

  • Performance issues
  • The add-in does not meet Microsoft's design requirements
  • The add-in does not comply with the add-in purchase policies
  • Violations of the Program Agreement
  • The add-in doesn’t have the minimum required information