01/7Winter is coming

As winter fast approaches, precautions are in order, and with the fans off, jackets out, blankets in, heaters on, people are getting all set to endure the cold weather. While all these measures play a role in keeping us warm, they don't ensure that we are kept at bay from infections or illnesses. But what can play a part in boosting the functionality of our body to be able to fight infections is food. While there are many foods that are known to provide nutrients necessary to battle foreign invaders, very few of them are as potent as eggs.


02/7​Eggs are good for winter

​Eggs are good for winter

Eggs have been touted as one of the healthiest foods on the planet. Dense in nutrients and loaded with beneficial compounds, eggs provide a number of health benefits. Winter is a time when we are more susceptible to falling sick, since most infectious microbes can thrive easily in colder and drier conditions, and therefore are more likely to infect us. Since one of the benefits of eggs is to strengthen our body to fight off harmful organisms, it is important to consume them during winter, and with that being said, here are some of its qualities.


03/7​High in protein

​High in protein

Most people are aware that eggs are high in protein, and a medium sized egg contains as much as 6 grams of protein. Protein is used by the body to make antibodies that go on to fight foreign bodies and prevent infections.


04/7​Eggs contain fats

​Eggs contain fats

Eggs have a decent dose of fats, and don’t worry, the fats won’t actually make you fat. Consuming these fats in winter is beneficial since they support cell growth, protect organs, and most importantly help in keeping the body warm.


05/7​Vitamin D content

​Vitamin D content

A lot of people are innately deficient of vitamin D, and it is hard to get the required amount solely through diet. The sun plays an important role in supplying the body with high doses of vitamin D, and since it is scarce in winter, eggs come in handy to do its job. With its high concentration of vitamin D, a single egg provides 10% of your recommended daily intake of vitamin D.


06/7​Eggs contain zinc

​Eggs contain zinc

Eggs contain zinc, a mineral which has properties that help in overcoming common winter illnesses like the cold or flu. Many medicines used to treat these conditions are fortified with zinc for that very reason.


07/7​Vitamins B6 and B12

​Vitamins B6 and B12

A nutritional powerhouse, eggs are a good source of vitamins B6 and B12, both of which play a role in strengthening the immune system, thus preparing the body to fight off harmful bacteria and viruses.
