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Can jet lag affect a period?

By Anonymous January 16, 2020 - 5:24pm
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I traveled to Europe & my period has been 8 days late. I took two pregnancy tests & they were both negative so I am wondering if maybe the jet lag caused my body to get out of balance.

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HERWriter Guide

Hello Anon

Thanks for writing!

If your tests are negative, you are not pregnant.

Travel in general, not just jetlag, can affect a woman's cycle. It is not uncommon. A combination of fatigue, time difference and the diet and lifestyle change that travel brings (even travel stress, although a traveller may not subconsciously feel it) can all collude to change the cycle. It may take a couple of weeks to sort out, or if returning, may take a couple weeks more. It's usually not something to be concerned about - our cycle is very sensitive to change.


January 17, 2020 - 1:01pm
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