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Bay City News

PACIFIC GROVE — The Pacific Grove City Council on Wednesday passed a moratorium on evictions due to nonpayment of residential and commercials rent during the COVID-19 coronavirus emergency.

City officials cited in a statement released Friday an executive order by Gov. Gavin Newsom giving local governments the ability to restrict residential and commercial evictions due to nonpayment of rent if the nonpayment is related to COVID-19.

Monterey County’s shelter in place order requires people to stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and also requires many nonessential businesses to close or reduce operations, which has resulted in lost wages and business income for many, according to the statement.

City officials went on to say the moratorium will assist in compliance with the shelter in place order, will help preserve the public health and will help minimize an increase in the homeless population.

Unpaid rent will still be due after the end of the emergency measures, officials said.

Newsom’s executive order is in effect until May 31 unless extended.