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If we require teachers to do more, then they must have a strong, stable budget to protect students and teachers.
(Al Seib/Los Angeles Times/TNS)
If we require teachers to do more, then they must have a strong, stable budget to protect students and teachers.

It’s no secret that being a teacher, at any level, is one of the hardest, most debilitating professions. It isn’t for the faint of heart.

However, teaching is a calling and if you’re meant to do it, you’ll find yourself in this field, one way or another.

Not only is this profession overwhelming at times, it is also underappreciated, underpaid and undervalued. Fast forward to March 2020, when educators from across America were forced to convert a traditional classroom setting into a virtual one with very few resources and without an increase in compensation. Then we find out that California will be cutting the budget for education, in the billions, yet will require districts to decrease class sizes and follow new safety regulations.

If we are requiring our schools and teachers to do more, then they must have a strong, stable budget to educate and protect students, as well as teachers.

Veronica Sanchez

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